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Walla Walla University Engineering Majors Chosen as Competition Finalists

During their senior year, Luke Graham and Avianna Alvarez, Walla Walla University engineering alumni, were two of 16 student finalists chosen for the American Society of Mechanical Engineers Pressure Vessel Piping Conference student paper competition.

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Jack Blanco, Author of “The Clear Word” Bible Paraphrase, Passes to His Rest

Jack J. Blanco, former dean of the Southern Adventist University School of Religion and professor emeritus, and author of The Clear Word Bible paraphrase, passed peacefully to his rest on Sabbath, January 11, 2025. He was 95.

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Adventist Partnerships Prioritize Relief for Southern California Residents

Adventist Health Glendale and Adventist Health Global Mission are partnering with the Southern California Conference and the Pasadena Seventh-day Adventist Church to begin offering help (and hope) for residents of Altadena and Pasadena affected by the ongoing fires. The initial phases of response began Jan. 10, 2025, and will continue during the coming months.

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Pentecost 2025 “Seeking God’s Spirit” Prayer Meeting Kickstarts 10 Days of Prayer, Reaching More than 35.4K

On Wednesday evening, January 8, 2025, the North American Division of the Seventh-day Adventist Church hosted a special prayer meeting to launch the world church’s 10 Days of Prayer with emphasis on "Seeking God's Spirit" for Pentecost 2025. “We’re delighted to have you here with us tonight. We’re excited about what God is going to do and about His promises, and tonight, we’re going to claim those promises.” NAD president G. Alexander Bryant said in his greetings.

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Students, Alumni Reach the Hearts of the Homeless Through Feet

As a Loma Linda University student, Tevita Palaki once skipped meals to financially support his budding ministry. Today, the non-profit organization, United Feet, which Palaki launched as a sophomore in 2015, sends out volunteers up to four times a week to serve local homeless by offering them the Christian act of footwashing.

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Race, Protest, and Adventist Leadership Addressed in New Book

Calvin B. Rock, former long-time president of Oakwood University, former chair of the Loma Linda University Board of Trustees, and retired general vice president of the General Conference, has authored what one prominent Adventist historian claims is “the most important book ever published on race relations in the Adventist Church.”

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New Resource, Guiding Families of LGBT+ Loved Ones: Adventist Edition, Previewed at April Meeting at NAD Headquarters

On April 20-21, 2018, a select group of lay members, pastors, educators, and church administrators attended a meeting held at the headquarters of the North American Division (NAD) of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, to participate in a workshop and preview a new resource titled "Guiding Families of LGBT+ Loved Ones: Adventist Edition."

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Historic Pathfinder Event Showcases Faith and Biblical Scholarship Among Youth

The 2018 Pathfinder Bible Experience Division Finals draws nearly 4,000 people from the North American Division and British Union.