Ministries and Services
Adventist Chaplaincy Ministries
Representing denominational interests in the chaplaincy and military-related services.
Adventist Colleges Abroad
Enhancing international acquisition within the Adventist network of education and to provide specifically designed educational opportunities for North American students wishing to study abroad.
Adventist Community Services
Serving communities in Christ's name.
Adventist Learning Community
Empowering people with the passion and skills necessary to further the Kingdom of Christ in the 21st century.
Adventist Media Ministries
Sharing a Christ-centered message of hope and wholeness through technology and media.
Adventist-laymen's Services and Industries (ASI)
Encouraging the use of vocations as a ministry to aid in the advancement of the great gospel commission.
Children's Ministries
Empowering Leaders. Impacting Kids.
Conveying the inspirational story about the Seventh-day Adventist® Church in North America.
Deaf Ministries
Building bridges between the Deaf and hearing members and empowering the Deaf so they may partner with the church in completing the gospel commission.
Disabilities Ministries
Encouraging local congregations to give special attention to individuals with disabilities, including the development of programs for witnessing to people with disabilities and making our churches accessible to all.
Providing opportunity for students to accept Christ as their Savior, to allow the Holy Spirit to transform their lives, and to fulfill the commission of preaching the gospel to all the world.
Family Ministries
Reaching Families for Eternity.
Health Ministries
Sharing hope and wholeness through the healing power of Christ
Hope for Humanity
Relationship-building to engage Adventist members with their communities, create awareness of the work of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, and raise funds for the support of Seventh-day Adventist compassionate ministries in North America and the world.
Literature Ministries
Empowering members to light their worlds with inspirational literature
Message Magazine
An award winning, bi-monthly, 32-page religious journal that features uplifting interviews, thoughtful analysis of current events and the prophetic voice of spiritual leaders.
Ministerial Association
Empowering the ministerial community in leading churches to reach their world for Christ.
Multilingual Ministries
Making disciples of all people, communicating the everlasting gospel in the context of the three angels’ messages of Revelation 14:6–12, leading them to accept Jesus as personal Savior and unite with His remnant Church, discipling them to serve Him as Lord and preparing them for His soon return.
Native Ministries
Enhancing, supporting, and coordinating with the existing Native Ministries, both denominationally operated and supporting ministries, that exist throughout the NAD.
North American Division Evangelism Institute (NADEI)
Tangibly expressing the Division’s commitment to inspire a love for evangelism in seminary students, pastors, and lay ministers.
Office of Volunteer Ministries
Connecting North American volunteers to mission opportunities that effectively meet the needs of people and communities across North American and around the world.
Philanthropic Service for Institutions (PSI)
Serving the Adventist Church in the North American Division as the primary source for fundraising information and assistance through training, consulting, informational resources, on-site visits, and personal contact for the purpose of assisting organizations in acquiring funds to fulfill their missions.
Prayer Ministries
Spiritually strengthening and supporting every ministry, pastor, and administrator at every level of the church by fusing the three fundamental elements of mission—prayer, Bible study, and ministry
Public Affairs and Religious Liberty (PARL)
Proclaiming and defending the God-given gift of religious freedom which is integral to our prophetic role as Seventh-day Adventists® and primary evangelistic efforts.
Sabbath School/Personal Ministries
Resourcing the movement of our people from membership to discipleship in the areas of Sabbath School, Personal and Prison Ministries.
Stewardship Ministries
Engaging and educating members that their faith in Jesus is inseparably connected to managing the time, talent, and treasure entrusted to them by God.
Women's Ministries
Modeling Jesus Christ through meaningful relationships and effective ministries.
Youth & Young Adult Ministries
Providing practical resources, training, and mentoring opportunities to youth leaders and their youth, and creating a youth ministries presence in every church.
Adventist Retirement
Providing opportunities for participants to secure retirement benefits by tracking employment, providing planning opportunities, encouraging savings, processing and granting benefits, and speaking on behalf of retirees.
Archives, Statistics & Research
Providing resources for those seeking information pertaining to Seventh-day Adventist North American Division history, official documents, and statistics. Providing record management and archival services for the proper arrangement, storage, and preservation of the records produced throughout the denomination’s headquarters.
Data Analytics
Helping ministries, conferences, unions, and the divisions better understand, connect with, and provide relevant cost effective initiatives and services to church members through social media outreach and big data analytics, and give voices to member needs and thoughts.
eAdventist Membership Services
Providing churches with software tools for membership and church management. Providing administrators and leaders with data trends and insights to facilitate church vitality and evangelism.
Event Management Services
Delivering professional and efficient event planning, management solutions, and training for ministry departments and affiliates of the North American Division.
Facilities Management
Serving the North American Division by managing the building and property so its workers are able to effectively engage in their ministries.
Human Resource Services
Maintaining a Christ-centered and professional environment that attracts, develops and retains our diverse workforce.
International Service Employees/Intra-Division Missionary Services
Ensuring that missionaries who call the NAD their home feel seen, heard, and supported during their mission experience.
IT Services
Supporting the Gospel Mission through technology ministries.
Office of Strategy and Research
Helping each NAD entity become a “best-run” organization for God’s glory through Spirit-filled planning, performance, assessment, and continuous improvement.
Planned Giving and Trust Services
Providing useful financial, estate, and gift planning information—with special sensitivity to our faith.
Production Services
Conveying the inspirational story about the Seventh-day Adventist® Church in North America.
Professional Services
Professional Services is a dynamic support team that specializes in providing creative communication, resource development, and strategic social media engagement for the various departments, ministries, and services within the North American Division (NAD).