Office of Strategy and Research


Staff Image Placeholder

Valerie Bratten

Administrative Professional II


| (443) 391 7143

Our mission

To help each NAD entity become a “best-run” organization for God’s glory through Spirit-filled planning, performance, assessment, and continuous improvement

How we serve

  • Coordinate the NAD’s REACH for Excellence—our strategic direction for the future
  • Guide each NAD office toward an annual roadmap targeted toward our strategic priorities
  • Help NAD leadership make better faith-inspired, fact-based decisions
  • Promote a culture of alignment, integrity, and accountability throughout the Division
  • Inspire a sense of enthusiasm for excellence, innovation, and mission fulfillment
  • Provide entities the tools and training they need in order to continuously improve

Contact Us

(443) 391 7143
North American Division of the Seventh-day Adventist Church
Strategic Planning and Assessment
9705 Patuxent Woods Drive
Columbia, MD 21046-1565, USA