News Articles

Abraham Henry

Hundreds of Minneapolis Youth March for Justice and Healing 

On Saturday, June 20, 2020, hundreds of youth and young adults took to the streets of Minneapolis, Minnesota, with “A Cry for Justice and Healing,” an outreach event aimed at rebuilding the city and regaining a sense of peace. The event, held in the aftermath of George Floyd’s murder on May 25, was attended by more than 350 volunteers, 16 Adventist churches, and officials from three conferences (Lake Region, Central States, and Minnesota conferences).

Yvonne Pondexter

Closing Down, or Opening Up?

During this time of the COVID-19 pandemic, literature evangelists (LEs) face unusual challenges. But it is also a time of unusual opportunities. When it would seem that some doors are closing, it has proven to be a time when many hearts are opening.

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North American Division Votes $10 Million COVID-19 Stimulus Package

On June 23, 2020, the North American Division (NAD) Committee voted a stimulus package of $10 million to provide financial assistance to the division’s conferences through its unions. This comes at a time when COVID-19 has impacted many Adventist members and entities.

Miles to Minneapolis Opening Night

An Inter-Faith, Multi-Conference “Virtual Freedom Ride” Champions Prayer and Activism

Faith leaders, government officials, and activists advocated for prayer, social justice, and community empowerment in response to the national outcry over the death of George Floyd by law enforcement through a “virtual freedom ride.” From June 14 to 21,, “Miles to Minneapolis” took viewers on Facebook and YouTube on the virtual journey from the east coast to the mid-west.

Harbor of Hope ACS food pantry

ADRA Unites with Adventist Community Services to Help Feed Families in the U.S.

In partnership with Adventist Community Services (ACS) of the North American Division (NAD), the Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA), the global humanitarian arm of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, has provided funding to expand the services of more than 200 Adventist food pantries across the U.S.

Marielis George works as an EMT in Yonkers, N.Y.

La Sierra Pre-Med Student Aids COVID-19 Patients as New York EMT

Marielis George is a certified emergency medical technician who is studying health science with a bio-health concentration and taking pre-med courses toward becoming a surgeon or physician. She felt called to serve on the front lines of the pandemic, and, in spite of the dangers and her fears, she signed up to work as an EMT with an ambulance company in her home town.

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Until All Lives Matter ...

We all know all lives matter to God. This is reaffirmed by scriptures such as, "For there is no distinction between Jew and Greek; for the same Lord is Lord of all, abounding in riches for all who call on Him (Rom. 10:12). And while all lives matter to God, He knows all lives don't matter to all people.

NAD headquarters

Adventist Church in North America Issues Response to Fringe Group Newspaper Ad Mentioning Church

On June 21, 2020, the Seventh-day Adventist Church’s North American Division issued a statement after a full-page advertisement was published by a fringe organization on the same day in the Nashville Tennessean, a Gannett-owned newspaper.

Conversation on racism and Adventism with NAD officers

A Conversation on Racism and Adventism with NAD Leadership

Daniel R. Jackson, president of the North American Division, G. Alexander Bryant, NAD executive secretary, and Randy Robinson, NAD treasurer, recently sat down with Mylon Medley, assistant director of NAD communication, to discuss recent events related to racial injustice, the history and relevancy of regional conferences, and the presence of racism in the denomination’s past and present. WATCH the conversation.

Amy Miller

Profiles of Adventists on the Frontlines of COVID-19 Response

These six Adventists work in essential roles during this time of uncertainty and crisis. Each one answered a series of questions. Here are, In their own words (with editing for clarity only), glimpses into their lives and faith. We thank them and many others for their service, and encourage our readers to pray for them.