News Articles

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The Cooper Conundrum and American Adventism

Protests in the wake of George Floyd’s suffocation death may be leading to a sea change in terms of how Americans see race relations. Only time will tell. For those who believe transformation is needed sociologically and administratively throughout American Adventism, I pose the question: How do we accomplish such in a way that we relate to others as equal brothers and sisters in Christ, in an effort to present a strong witness to society?

Walter L. Pearson

Retired Breath of Life Speaker Walter L. Pearson Jr., 74, Whose Ministry Spoke Across Generations, Passes to His Rest

Walter L. Pearson, Jr., former speaker/director for Breath of Life, passed to his rest on June 7, 2020. Pearson retired in 2010 after serving the Breath of Life media ministry for 12 years.

Dan Jackson screen shot from video June 2020

NAD President Addresses Racial Tensions in the U.S.

NAD President Daniel Jackson shares a special message for the members of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in North America regarding the racial tension in the U.S.

Pathfinders singing "The Pathfinder Song."

Virtual NAD Youth Ministries Program Celebrates the Impact of the Pathfinder Bible Experience

The COVID-19 pandemic significantly disrupted plans for the 2020 Pathfinder Bible Experience (PBE), which was set to take place April 17-18, 2020, in Salem, Oregon. Leaders were anticipating thousands to participate and observe the annual Bible trivia testing for Pathfinders from across the North American Division (NAD) and beyond, especially after the stunning turnout at the 2019 testing. Instead, a much smaller group joined a virtual event on April 18.

NAD headquarters building in Columbia, Md.

Respuesta de la NAD ante las muertes recientes y agitación racial en los EE.UU.

La Iglesia Adventista del Séptimo Día en América del Norte está respondiendo a los trágicos asesinatos de Ahmaud Arbery en Georgia, Breonna Taylor en Kentucky, George Floyd en Minnesota y otros eventos recientes que demuestran claramente la brecha racial que destruye la calidad de vida para tantos y el tejido mismo de nuestra sociedad democrática. Como cristianos, condenamos tales acciones de odio y violencia y pedimos que se haga justicia para las víctimas y sus familias.

NAD headquarters building in Columbia, Md.

NAD Issues Response to Recent Deaths and Racial Turmoil in U.S.

The Seventh-day Adventist Church in North America is responding to the tragic killings of Ahmaud Arbery in Georgia, Breonna Taylor in Kentucky, George Floyd in Minnesota, and other recent events that clearly document the racial divide destroying the quality of life for so many and the very fabric of our democratic society.

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God Sees; God Gives

Elisha was hiding in Dothan from his enemies because they had become aware that he knew exactly what they were doing as they tried to thwart the plans of God’s people. This is the historical context of the story. . . . Today we see a vast army encircling the camp around us. What will we do in the face of [COVID-19] — this great, silent, and invisible enemy that has come against us?

India baptism It Is Written

In India, It Is Written and Local Church Leaders Reopen Churches, Provide Community Services

After years in disrepair and closure, 53 churches in east central India have reopened with the help of It Is Written. Spiritual, health, and social services have been initiated to keep them active; and local leaders, Bible workers, and volunteers are pitching in to help communities

Shoni and Haley Evans from Alaska

Fostering Hope in Alaska’s Native American Communities

Nearly two decades ago the Shoni and Michael Evans joined the small Adventist community that nurtured them and welcomed them in various ways, including the unexpected visit with the doubly unexpected gift of foster babies.

Edwin Romero

Adventist Retirement Plans Names New Administrator

On May 21, 2020, the North American Division (NAD) elected Edwin G. Romero to serve as the administrator and chief executive officer of the North American Division Retirement Plans, filling the vacancy left by Raymond Jimenez. Like his predecessor, Romero was also elected associate treasurer for the North American Division.