

"The Great Controversy" Project

During the Adventist-laymen’s Services and Industries (ASI) International Convention in August 2021, General Conference president Ted Wilson announced an initiative to distribute up to one billion copies of Ellen White’s The Great Controversy worldwide. The book is a powerful tool for sharing the gospel and has been instrumental in the conversion of many Adventists worldwide.

10,000 Digital Disciples

The 10,000 digital disciples initiative, born in 2021, is an effort supported by the North American Division where Adventists of all ages who utilize social media are encouraged to use those platforms and their influence for good, with a goal of bringing people to Jesus, sharing the good news of His amazing grace and love, and providing opportunities for others to learn of the distinctive Seventh-day Adventist message of hope and wholeness.

enditnow North America

Seventh-day Adventists affirm the dignity and worth of each human being and decry all forms of physical, sexual and emotional abuse and family violence.