News Articles

President Harry Truman awards Desmond Doss medal of honor

The Soldier Who Saved Just “One More”

February 7, 2019, marks 100 years since Desmond Thomas Doss’s birth in Lynchburg, Virginia. Doss, who passed away in 2006, grew up to be one of the greatest examples of love and kindness of the century as he served as an unarmed U.S. Army medic in World War II. Not many would go into the bloodiest battle of the war without a weapon. Armed only with his faith and a prayer, his faith, love, and patriotism changed the world.

John Thurber

John W. Thurber, Second Tenor of the King’s Heralds Quartet, Youth Worker, Passes to His Rest

John W. Thurber, best known as second tenor of the King’s Heralds quartet with the Voice of Prophecy from 1961–1967, passed away Sunday, February 3, 2019, in Lincoln, Nebraska, at the age of 87.

Three of Little Rock Nine, Terrence Roberts

A Legacy of Empowerment

God has always been active in the work of deliverance, liberation, and empowerment. ... As long as there is poverty, injustice, and oppression, the Lord still has a work for us to do. He challenges us still today, saying that whatever we do for “the least of these” (Matt. 25:40, KJV) it’s as though we did it to Him directly.

Derek Morris, president of Hope Channel International, overs special prayer.

NAD Health Summit Equips Leaders and Practitioners to Promote Wholistic Healing within Churches and Communities

More than 150 people were empowered to embody the healing ministry of Jesus during the North American Division Health Summit 2019 in Albuquerque New Mexico, on January 20-26. The summit was themed “Healing of the Nations,” which was based on Revelation 22:2 (KJV): “And the leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations.”

front of U.S. Capitol

Adventist Health Policy Association Opens New Office in Washington, D.C.

Just blocks from the U.S. Capitol, the Adventist Health Policy Association (AHPA), an affiliation of five Seventh-day Adventist health care systems, has opened a new office. AHPA serves as the policy and advocacy voice for more than 90 hospitals in 17 states and Washington, D.C. Affiliated health entities include more than 350 other provider organizations such as associated medical groups, nursing homes, outpatient centers and home care entities.

Tampa church members reach out after Breath of Life revival

Church Members on Mission for God in Tampa

It’s 9:30 on Sabbath morning, and Alethea Truman is already on her way to the newly planted Breath of Life Church in Tampa, Florida, where she is set to participate in the divine worship service. She is a local elder at the Mt. Calvary Church in Tampa, and she is emboldened with a passion to speak for God. After church, Truman hits the street with Peach Brooks, another member. Together, they are visiting contacts from the Breath of Life summer evangelistic revival who were never baptized.

AMC 2019 breakout session crowd

Adventist Ministries Convention Seeks to Help Church Leaders and Members Serve as Body of Christ

More than 600 ministry leaders gathered in Albuquerque, N.M. for the “Stronger United: Many Voices, One Vision” Adventist Ministries Convention. The convention, held Jan. 13-16, 2019, brought conference, union, and division ministry partners together to inspire, educate, and renew church ministry leaders across the NAD.

Roscoe Howard

Roscoe J. Howard, Former NAD Executive Secretary, Passes to His Rest

Roscoe J. Howard, former North American Division executive secretary, passed away in Apopka, Florida, on Jan. 21, 2019, after a struggle with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). Howard was working as vice president for Missions for Adventist Health System when, in 2014, he was diagnosed with the disease.

wildfire stock photo from ADRA

ADRA Awards Adventist Community Services $50,000 to Help Wildfire Survivors in California

The Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA) will provide financial support totaling $50,000 to the Adventist Community Services (ACS) that has been coordinating efforts to help survivors recover from deadly wildfires in of Butte County, California.

Chaudry from prayer breakfast

NAD Hosts First Religious Freedom Prayer Breakfast

On Religious Freedom Day (Jan. 16, 2019), local faith and civic leaders gathered at the North American Division headquarters for the NAD’s first Religious Freedom Prayer Breakfast. During the event, those in attendance celebrated the freedoms enjoyed in the United States and prayed for guidance in further fostering and sharing it with others.