News Articles

Dan Jackson, NAD president, 2019 holiday greeting

2019 Holiday Greeting from NAD President Daniel R. Jackson

Says Dan Jackson, NAD president: "2018 has been an interesting year for the Seventh-day Adventist Church. There have been many challenges, but there have also been many wonderful things that have happened. So as we come to the end of this year my encouragement to each of us is to keep our eyes fixed upon Jesus and the goal that He gave to each one of us."

Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary worldview symposium speaker

Transforming Worldview(s) Conference: "Biblical Faithfulness in a Pluralistic Age"

From Oct.18–20, 2018, the Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary held a worldview symposium that stimulated much discussion. This event was sponsored by the Adventist Theological Society and Biblical Research Institute — the theme was “Transforming Worldview(s): Biblical Faithfulness in a Pluralistic Age.” In addition to the promised academic exploration of the “significance of worldview formation for Adventist identity, theology and mission,” attendees were led to examine their own worldview and its impact on their spirituality and ministry.

La Sierra student and filmmaker Michelle Noland and young "Rebecca"

La Sierra University Film Student’s PBS, NAD Projects Aim for Positive Impact

PBS affiliate KQED inked a distribution deal with Michelle Noland, senior La Sierra University film major, in August for inclusion of her award-winning short film “She Isn’t Here” in the nationwide series, “Film School Shorts.” The film, which is expected to be released in April 2019, explores the anxiety disorder agoraphobia.

SWAU nursing students

Southwestern Adventist University Nursing Department Receives Grant from Ardmore Institute of Health

Southwestern Adventist University’s Nursing Department is thrilled to announce the approval of a grant from the Ardmore Institute of Health. The grant will give the nursing department an opportunity to develop a whole-person wellness certificate program for student nurses and nurses currently in practice.

broken Christmas ornament

When Holidays Aren’t So Jolly

Christmas is all too often the most stressful time of the year. This can lead to unintended anger or outbursts, emotional or mental breakdowns, or physical problems such as high blood pressure. The holidays can be harmful, instead of refreshing our faith in our soon-returning Savior.

Mike Tucker and Beth Leos

Texas Church Plant Connects with Community

At the invitation of the Texas Conference, church planter Peter Casillas and Mike Tucker, speaker/director of Faith for Today Television, have recently planted a new church in Richardson, Texas. The church plant has embraced as part of their mission, connecting with the Richardson community, by partnering with local non-profits. Even though the new company has only been meeting a few weeks, they have already begun to fulfill their mission.

Pacific Press building

AdventistBookCenter.Com Celebrates 20 Years

This year,, one of the first online e-commerce sites developed by the Seventh-day Adventist Church, is celebrating its 20th anniversary. Today, people from more than 165 countries around the world shop online here for Adventist books, sharing materials, Sabbath School supplies, music, DVDs, etc.

stock photo of California forest

Pacific Union College Partners with Angwin Community to Protect Against Wildfire

Beginning in January 2019, Pacific Union College plans to begin work on an approximately 3-mile shaded fuel break to protect the Angwin, California, community of 3,500 residents. With financial support from community members and alumni, the College plans to construct a shaded fuel break on a prominent ridge between Pope Valley and Angwin, running from Howell Mountain road to the Las Posadas State Forest. 

Showers of Blessing ACS van to help the homeless in NYC

Mobile Shower Van to Serve New York City’s Homeless is Dedicated

The Showers of Blessings van, an outreach ministry of the Greater New York Conference’s (GNYC) Adventist Community Services (ACS), was dedicated on Sept. 15, 2018. Officials from the conference, Atlantic Union Conference, and the North American Division (NAD) gathered at United Camp Meeting for the dedication.

stock photo of female doctor helping patient with chart

Physicians Conduct Wholeness Screenings for Better Mental and Spiritual Health

With the goal of offering whole-person care, Shawnee Mission Health is now conducting wholeness screenings by asking patients about their ability to experience love, peace and joy. The result has been an open conversation with patients about topics surrounding mental and spiritual health.