News Articles

Paul Musafili

Adventist Church in Canada Elects New Treasurer and Undertreasurer

On Sunday, March 3, 2019, the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Canada (SDACC) Board of Directors elected Paul Musafili as its new treasurer and Rose Jacinto to serve as undertreasurer. Musafili will take over the position held by Ulysses Guarin, and Jacinto will fill the position vacated by Musafili.

Paradise Prayer Warriors Pathfinder Club

Paradise Prayer Warriors Earn First-Place PBE Award

On March 23, 2019, the Paradise Prayer Warriors won a first-place award at the Pacific Union Pathfinder Bible Experience (PBE) competition in Fresno. The only NCC team to win a first-place award, they will now go on to compete in the North American Division PBE in Rockford, Illinois, on April 26 and 27.

Becky Curtis' demolished jeep

From Chronic Pain to Courage

During a drive home from the Montana Conference Camp Meeting in 2005, life for Becky Curtis and her family changed dramatically. A car accident left her with a spinal cord injury and the loss of almost all movement on the left side of her body. In the 13 years following the accident, her life has been a journey — from suffering chronic pain to managing her pain and helping others to do the same. Despite the immense challenges, Curtis knows that God had a plan all along.

Summerville Adventist Church Touch 10K Challenge

On Touch 10K Day, Adventists Aim to Pray with 100,000 People in Cities Across the U.S.

Message magazine is partnering with regional conference Personal Ministries directors and leaders of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in the Touch 10K Challenge to impact the lives of 100,000 people in major cities across the United States. On Sabbath, May 4, 2019, members from Seventh-day Adventist churches will take to the streets in urban areas to touch the lives of people with prayer and a special edition of Message.

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Responding to the New Zealand Mosque Massacre

Following the news of the March 15, 2019, massacre of Muslim worshipers in Christchurch, New Zealand, Gabriela Phillips and Gerald Babenezhad, two leaders part of Adventist-Muslim Relations in the NAD, reached out to Muslim neighbors and a local mosque. The following two stories share what happened during those visits.

Versacare logo

Versacare Foundation Awards $1.15 Million to Adventist Schools to Support STEM Education

On March 8, the Versacare Foundation awarded $1,159,000 in grant funding to Adventist Education, including $920,000 to 118 primary and secondary schools across the United States and Canada in support of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) education.

Pastor Anthony Medley with government citation

Maryland Legislators Recognize Adventist Congregation For Work in Community

The community service efforts of the Emmanuel-Brinklow Seventh-day Adventist Church in Ashton, Maryland, have caught the notice of local and state government leaders. The congregation recently received a citation from the Maryland General Assembly (MGA) for its “Brinklow Cares” initiative.

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When Does Eating Healthy Become Harmful?

The 14-year-old patient sitting in front of me insisted that her decision to become a vegan was unrelated to being bullied and called “chubby” in elementary school. Instead, she cited reasons related to animal rights and a desire to become “healthier.” Nothing about the straight-A student with severe muscle wasting, skeletal limbs, and a protruding abdomen heralding liver failure was healthy. This local teen was unlike any eating disordered patient I had ever encountered.

Youth rally at the World Harvest Outreach Seventh-day Adventist Church in Houston.

Two Conferences in Texas Unite 1,200 Youth to Serve Houston on Global Youth Day

More than 1,200 youth and young adults in the United States’ fourth largest city rallied together to give testimonies of how their Pathfinder clubs and youth groups spread the love of Christ on Global Youth Day. The youth rally took place on the afternoon of March 16 at the World Harvest Outreach Seventh-day Adventist Church in Houston, Texas. Youth from congregations belonging to the Texas Conference and Southwest Regional Conference shared stories from their outings earlier that the day.

Jerry D. Thomas

Jerry Thomas, Adventist Author of Nearly 60 Books, Passes to His Rest

Jerry D. Thomas, writer of nearly 60 books for children and adults, passed away on Friday, March 15, 2019. His works include the best sellers "Messiah," "Blessings," and "A Thoughtful Hour." Thomas also wrote and created popular series such as "Detective Zack," "Great Stories for Kids," and "Shoebox Kids." He was 59.