News Articles

CALLED women clergy receive t-shirts at luncheon

Women in Clergy Lunch at CALLED Convention Serves to Encourage Female Pastors Ministering in the North American Division

On Monday, June 20, 2022, the North American Division Ministerial Association held a luncheon, specially designed to encourage and celebrate women clergy and seminarians at the 2022 CALLED Pastors’ Family Convention.

F5 challenge team on CALLED stage 2022

Adventist Fitness Group Leads Made to Move Challenge at the 2022 CALLED Convention

The official fitness team of the 2022 CALLED Pastors’ Family Convention was formed long before event planning began. The group, F5 Challenge, offers fitness events across the North American Division and beyond, and is open Adventist and non-Adventists alike.

Kettering Mental Health Seminar CALLED convention

Mental Health Addressed at CALLED Convention Pre-Session

​​​​​​​The 2022 CALLED Pastors’ Family Convention started on June 19, 2022, in Lexington, Kentucky, with a special pre-session on mental health. Of the nearly 6,000 expected CALLED attendees, more than 1,100 registered for the Kettering Health Mental Health Seminar.

Mary Collins GC22 delegate

The Delegate Experience

I realize that General Conference Session and fun aren’t always considered synonymous. Admittedly, if you speak with me during business sessions, "fun" isn’t my first description of the experience. However, another word for General Conference is "family reunion." (OK, two words.)

three NAD officers at GC Session on June 10, 2022

North American Division Report Presented at the 2022 GC Session

The first division report presented at the 2022 General Conference Session was from the Seventh-day Adventist Church in North America (NAD). In the morning on June 10, the NAD officers, president G. Alexander Bryant, secretary Kyoshin Ahn, and treasurer Randy Robinson, introduced the video report that concentrated on the quinquennium (2015-2020) plus the past two years — largely told from the perspective of church members and leaders from across the division.

Sharon Mabena and friend at GCS 2022

North American Division Coverage of the 2022 General Conference Session

The Seventh-day Adventist Church in North America shares here coverage from the 2022 General Conference Session held on June 6-11, in St. Louis, Missouri, U.S, that highlights news and information that may be of particular interest to our church members and leaders in the NAD.

GC Secretariat

New Faces and Incumbents Elected as General Conference Officers at 2022 Session

In addition to voting to reelect Ted N.C. Wilson to his third term, the 2022 General Conference (GC) in session, through the course of several days, has voted to reelect the world church executive secretary, treasurer, undersecretary, and undertreasurer. One of the six people who were elected as associate secretaries is new to the role, while two of the six elected associate treasurers are new to the position.

GC Associate treasurers voted June 7 2022

North American Division IT Services Director Voted to Serve as a New GC Associate Treasurer

On June 7, 2022, Richard Stephenson, director of Information Technology Services (ITS) for the North American Division, was voted associate treasurer, technology operations and strategy, by the General Conference in session. He joins eight incumbents and is one of two newly elected individuals in the General Conference Treasury department.

The Ahns at the GCS 2022

At the 2022 General Conference Session, NAD Secretary and Treasurer Elected to Serve New Term

During the evening business meeting at the 2022 General Conference Session in St. Louis, Missouri, North American Division (NAD) executive secretary Kyoshin Ahn and treasurer Randy Robinson were elected to their positions when the delegates voted to approve the nominating committee recommendations for all 13 division secretaries and treasurers. The two are slated to serve the 2022-2025 term. 

G. Alexander Bryant with wife Desiree, on June 8, 2022, at the GC Session

G. Alexander Bryant Elected President of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in North America

On Wednesday afternoon, June 8, 2022, the General Conference (GC) in session voted to accept the nomination of G. Alexander Bryant as president of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in North America. Bryant is the incumbent; he began serving in July 2020 when elected by the GC executive committee.