Stories & Commentaries

About Stories & Commentaries

From time to time, the North American Division shares commentaries on issues and/or events important to Adventists in this division. We also publish stories, which sometimes include interviews and features, to inspire our leaders and members.

City Harvest truck at ACS warehouse in NYC

In New York City, ACS Receives First Weekly Delivery of Pallets of Food from New Partner

Adventist Community Services has approximately 100 pantries operating in New York’s five boroughs, and they currently distribute food two to three times each week. The use of these pantries had led to our ACS teams running out of food, and some centers were not able to open because of a lack of food. We began speaking with City Harvest food banks about working with us to meet the observed need. This lead to the current offer of 12 pallets of food delivered to one location each Monday.

Paradise California food delivery

Paradise Church Serves Its Community with Fresh Produce

The Paradise, California, community understands the long-lasting recovery of a catastrophic disaster. The Nov. 8, 2018, Camp Fire burned 95 percent of the town. Now, in Paradise and across the nation, the impact of COVID-19 shelter in place is burning through check books and savings. But for those in the Paradise area, there is some good news. “The church burned down, but our members are still standing, and meeting the needs of others,” explained Steve Hamilton, senior of the Paradise Seventh-day Adventist Church.

Yvonne Pondexter

Closing Down, or Opening Up?

During this time of the COVID-19 pandemic, literature evangelists (LEs) face unusual challenges. But it is also a time of unusual opportunities. When it would seem that some doors are closing, it has proven to be a time when many hearts are opening.

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Until All Lives Matter ...

We all know all lives matter to God. This is reaffirmed by scriptures such as, "For there is no distinction between Jew and Greek; for the same Lord is Lord of all, abounding in riches for all who call on Him (Rom. 10:12). And while all lives matter to God, He knows all lives don't matter to all people.

Conversation on racism and Adventism with NAD officers

A Conversation on Racism and Adventism with NAD Leadership

Daniel R. Jackson, president of the North American Division, G. Alexander Bryant, NAD executive secretary, and Randy Robinson, NAD treasurer, recently sat down with Mylon Medley, assistant director of NAD communication, to discuss recent events related to racial injustice, the history and relevancy of regional conferences, and the presence of racism in the denomination’s past and present. WATCH the conversation.

Amy Miller

Profiles of Adventists on the Frontlines of COVID-19 Response

These six Adventists work in essential roles during this time of uncertainty and crisis. Each one answered a series of questions. Here are, In their own words (with editing for clarity only), glimpses into their lives and faith. We thank them and many others for their service, and encourage our readers to pray for them.

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It’s OK to Be Human

When I had my daughter in June 2018, I fell into a well of post-partum depression. I never had suicidal thoughts or a desire to hurt my baby, but I wasn’t enjoying my life. I was exhausted all the time. I felt listless. I didn’t even realize I wasn’t feeling happy; it was like looking at life through a veil. It took me more than a year to accept that I needed help and finally, in October 2019, after an extremely difficult therapy session with my husband, I went to my doctor. I got help with medication and supplements, but it took me another month to take the plunge and call a therapist. It was the best decision I’ve ever made.

Dan and Donna Jackson

Ministry, God’s Mission, and People

Daniel R. Jackson has served as president of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in North America for 10 years. He and his wife, Donna, an associate director for the NAD’s Ministerial Association, are retiring on July 1, 2020. Dan Weber, NAD communication director, recently sat down with the Jacksons to talk about their ministry, church life, fond memories, and what they hope for the future for the church.

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The Cooper Conundrum and American Adventism

Protests in the wake of George Floyd’s suffocation death may be leading to a sea change in terms of how Americans see race relations. Only time will tell. For those who believe transformation is needed sociologically and administratively throughout American Adventism, I pose the question: How do we accomplish such in a way that we relate to others as equal brothers and sisters in Christ, in an effort to present a strong witness to society?

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God Sees; God Gives

Elisha was hiding in Dothan from his enemies because they had become aware that he knew exactly what they were doing as they tried to thwart the plans of God’s people. This is the historical context of the story. . . . Today we see a vast army encircling the camp around us. What will we do in the face of [COVID-19] — this great, silent, and invisible enemy that has come against us?