Stories & Commentaries

About Stories & Commentaries

From time to time, the North American Division shares commentaries on issues and/or events important to Adventists in this division. We also publish stories, which sometimes include interviews and features, to inspire our leaders and members.

Samuel Francis

The Next Drop Off

Samuel Francis is a young adult who is passionate about literature evangelism. After more than 10 years, he has taken the next step in creating a podcast. In this interview Francis shares why being a literature evangelist inspired him to start "The Next Drop Off."

Chauncey Smith and biological mom

Chosen and Loved

For almost 30 years Chauncey Smith has served as a producer and talent coordinator of Faith For Today’s Lifestyle Magazine television broadcast. Smith started working with the TV show General Hospital and has maintained friendships with many in Hollywood, which in itself is an amazing story. The focus of this interview, however, is to talk about adoption and his book So That’s Who I Am, which chronicles the story of Smith finding his biological family.

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Kindness? Or Set them Straight?

​​​​​​​We know we have the story correct — the Bible says so. So how do we deal with persons who don’t believe that Genesis is right about creation and the flood? Jesus had some harsh things to say to the Pharisees who refused to accept Him, but He used a very different approach to other people He dealt with. How do we fit that into our scenario today?

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Nothing Short of a Miracle – Giving Towards Missions

My mother and her six children knelt down that Sunday afternoon to pray when suddenly our prayer was interrupted by a knock! An answer to prayer? Just the day before we had gone to church on Sabbath morning, and my mom, a new Adventist, had felt strongly impressed to leave all her money in the offering plate to support a mission project. By the next afternoon, however, we discovered that we were temporarily out of food until Dad’s next pay day. 

Dajuana Hammonds

The Presence of God Felt at the NAD’s OneTeam Playbook 2020 Worship Services

The OneTeam Playbook 2020 convention was an amazing experience for Youth Ministry leaders from around the NAD. The #oneteamNAD team, Tracy Wood, Gael Murray, Armando Miranda, and Vandeon Griffin all had the privilege of not only leading during the 17 tracks leadership training, but also coordinating the seven dynamic and high energy worship services.

Jordy Barnhart

From Camps to Church: A Blind Musician Shares His Faith Journey

Jordy Barnhart is a legally blind musician who lives in Waynesboro, Pennsylvania. During the interview with Kimberly Luste Maran, Barnhart shared how Christian Record Services for the Blind — an organization of the North American Division that offers free resources and scholarships, and sponsors summer camps for the blind and visually impaired — helped shaped his faith.

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The Delight in Their Eyes

Some claim that in 1992, Hallmark Cards started “Clergy Appreciation Day.” After all, giving us a reason to buy a card is good for business. Others state, however, that the concept of clergy appreciation began way back in AD 65-66, when the Apostle Paul wrote to young Timothy: “Let the elders who rule well be counted worthy of double honor, especially those who labor in the word and doctrine” (1 Tim.5:17, NKJV). While Hallmark may have helped us focus our appreciation by buying cards and gifts from their stores during October, Paul reminds us that it is biblical to honor and care for our pastors.

Dakota pastor

God’s Promises Shine During COVID-19 Pandemic

Like an uncontrollable wildfire, COVID-19 rapidly spread around the globe this year, causing all our lives to change. However, I quickly learned that there is power in God’s promises to overcome any global catastrophe.

woman wearing mask and reading a Bible

Before You Reopen Your House of Worship, Consider This

Is there a spiritual imperative for houses of worship that can be met only by conducting in-person services? And does that imperative outweigh the very real physical risks? If a member becomes ill and dies of COVID-19 contracted during church attendance, will reopening still have been worth it? Considering how was can keep each other safer during a time such as this is a biblical imperative.

Two paths in a forest.

Two Roads: The Quest Toward Healing and Transformation

A testimony written by Gabriella Phillips, director of Adventist-Muslim Relations for the North American Division on how she is helping a friend fully trust God as she seeks to heal relations with her children.