Stories & Commentaries

About Stories & Commentaries

From time to time, the North American Division shares commentaries on issues and/or events important to Adventists in this division. We also publish stories, which sometimes include interviews and features, to inspire our leaders and members.

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North American Division President Reflects on Martin Luther King Jr. Day

As we draw to the end of the Martin Luther King Jr. Day celebrations of 2021 and reflect on the state of things in the United States, North America, and our world, one can’t help but be perplexed by the paradox of our times. In one of Dr. King’s most famous speeches he said, "I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character." Some want to say that we have arrived at that place, but have we really?

Matthew 28 great commission up close

Fulfilling the Great Commission in the Right Order

In Matthew 28:19, 20 are the words of Jesus in the passage called “The Great Commission.” Notice that Jesus gave three commands in this Great Commission, after exhorting us to go make disciples, baptize, and teach them to observe all things as Jesus taught/commanded. When He spoke, Jesus didn’t “wing it.” He gave thought to what He was saying, how He was saying it, and in what order He was saying it. We should not take these imperatives lightly, nor should we ignore the order in which they were given.

U.S. Capitol Building

North American Division Leadership Responds to Events at the U.S. Capitol

​​​​​​​The events in Washington, D.C., during the past few days have been traumatic for most Americans, and shocking for those around the world. The leadership of the North American Division affirms the rights of people to respectfully protest, but strongly condemns the reprehensible actions of rioters that show a clear disrespect for the safety of others, the institution of democracy, and the diplomatic and orderly process of the transition of government.

Esteban SWAU student

Southwestern Adventist University's Class of 2024 Thrives During First Semester, Despite Pandemic

When Southwestern Adventist University's class of 2024 arrived on campus in August 2020, they stepped into a university experience unlike previous classes. Due to COVID-19, SWAU had moved classes online the previous semester and was now reopening its campus with accommodations in place to ensure the safety and wellbeing of faculty, staff, and students.

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Instacart Life Lessons

COVID-19 losses, restrictions, and closures have greatly altered our world, and will continue to ripple out around the globe for years. In varying degrees, we’ve all had our lives changed. ... I am grateful Lord's protection, and in these circumstances, in this uncertain time, there are lessons we can learn — even from the basic and mundane task of grocery shopping.

Christmas stock photo of candle and snowy pine cone

Goodbye, Mr. Scrooge

I really don’t like Christmas. I hate to say it, but through the years I have gotten grumpy once Thanksgiving ends. But before you cast me away as a holiday hater, let me explain a few things.

G Alexander Bryant Dec 2020

El presidente de la División Norteamericana ofrece comentarios alentadores al finalizar el año 2020

Quiero extenderles, en nombre de mis compañeros directores y de toda la familia de la oficina de la NAD (División Norteamericana, por sus siglas en inglés), nuestros más cálidos saludos navideños al finalizar este año 2020. ¡Y qué año ha sido! ¿Quién hubiera imaginado cuando empezamos el 2020 que lo terminaríamos de esta manera?

G Alexander Bryant Dec 2020

North American Division President Offers Encouraging Remarks as 2020 Draws to a Close

I want to extend to you, on behalf of my fellow officers and the entire NAD office family, our warmest holiday greetings as this year 2020 comes to an end. And what a year it has been! Who could have guessed when we started 2020 we would end it in this manner?

Alaska Mission Adventure screenshot

Arctic Mission Adventure Ministry Brings Hope to Alaska Native Villages

Learn more about what God is doing through Arctic Mission Adventure in Alaska Native villages in a video report. See how the Gospel is being spread across Bush Alaska through outreach, radio, Bible study, kid's programs, and more.

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"I’m Thankful I Was Robbed"

​​​​​​​A man stole the wallet of the Bible commentator Matthew Henry. As he reflected on the incident, Henry said, “Let me be thankful, first, because he never robbed me before; second, because although he took my purse, he did not take my life; third, because although he took all I possessed, it was not much; and fourth, because it was I who was robbed, not I who robbed.” Unquestionably, Henry’s attitude is one we need, particularly this year.