Business System
Business Card
The North American Division of the Seventh-day Adventist® Church has adopted this business system for an integrated, cohesive, and professional look and feel, which is based on the denim blue and white.
Download Double-Sided Business Card Templates
Download the business card templates with editable identifier (your local church, union, or conference name) to create your own logo.
Download Letterhead Templates
Download the 8.5" x 11" letterhead template with editable identifier (local church, conference or union name).
- Other languages currently not available
#10 Envelope
Download #10 Envelope Templates
Download the 9.5" x 4.125" envelope template with editable identifier (local church, conference or union name).
- Other languages currently not available
Note Card with A2 Envelope
Download Note Card and A2 Envelope Templates
Download the 5 1/2" x 4 1/4" note card template with editable identifier (local church, conference or union name) along the the A2 envelope (5 3/4" x 4 3/8").
Even in e-mail messages, a consistent use of logo and fonts helps maintain our brand identity while keeping us current with today’s ways of communicating. Note: Social media links to corporate (department) accounts are encouraged—please do not use personal social media links in your e-signature.
Local Church E-Signatures
Department E-Signatures



Digital Presentation
Download Digital Presentation Template
Download the PowerPoint presentation template.
- Other languages currently not available
Social Media Visual Branding
Social media provides the ideal opportunity to reach a wider group of potential members and build our brand.
With so many different social media channels available, it can be difficult to stand out from the crowd.
Help people recognize the church and its entities by applying consistent branding to all social channels, which in turn helps create more awareness and promotes wholeness.
Download the NAD social media guidelines.