Press Releases
North American Division Releases a Practical Guide to Digital Discipleship & Evangelism
The North American Division (NAD) recently released its first guide to digital discipleship and evangelism. The Digital Discipleship and Evangelism Guidebook is a practical guide for outreach, community service, growth, and evangelism for conferences, local churches, and personal ministries.
Réaction de la Division nord-américaine [DNA] après les morts et les troubles raciaux aux USA
L’église adventiste du septième jour en Amérique du nord souhaite réagir suite aux meurtres tragiques d’Ahmaud Arbey en Géorgie, de Breonna Taylor dans le Kentucky, de George Floyd dans le Minnesota, et aux autres événements récents qui rendent clairement compte du fossé racial qui détruit la qualité de vie de tant de gens, ainsi que la structure même de notre société démocratique. En tant que chrétiens, nous condamnons de tels actes de haine et de violence, et nous demandons que justice soit rendue pour les victimes et leurs familles.
Respuesta de la NAD ante las muertes recientes y agitación racial en los EE.UU.
La Iglesia Adventista del Séptimo Día en América del Norte está respondiendo a los trágicos asesinatos de Ahmaud Arbery en Georgia, Breonna Taylor en Kentucky, George Floyd en Minnesota y otros eventos recientes que demuestran claramente la brecha racial que destruye la calidad de vida para tantos y el tejido mismo de nuestra sociedad democrática. Como cristianos, condenamos tales acciones de odio y violencia y pedimos que se haga justicia para las víctimas y sus familias.
NAD Issues Response to Recent Deaths and Racial Turmoil
The Seventh-day Adventist Church in North America is responding to the tragic killings of Ahmaud Arbery in Georgia, Breonna Taylor in Kentucky, George Floyd in Minnesota, and other recent events that clearly document the racial divide destroying the quality of life for so many and the very fabric of our democratic society. As Christians we condemn such actions of hate and violence and call for justice to be served for the victims and their families.
NAD President to Retire July 1; Replacement Process Defined
Daniel R. Jackson, president of the North American Division of the General Conference of the Seventh-day Adventist Church (NAD) and his wife Donna, have announced their intent to retire, effective July 1, 2020. With the postponement of the 2020 General Conference (GC) Session, NAD administration has worked with GC leadership to establish a clear process for the election of the new NAD president in July 2020.
La Sierra University’s Zapara School of Business Achieves Key Milestone Toward International Accreditation
The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business International (AACSB) initial accreditation committee reviewed and accepted the initial self-evaluation report of La Sierra University’s Tom and Vi Zapara School of Business. AACSB is considered the global gold standard in business school accreditation.
School of Journalism and Communication Invites High School Students to Virtual Summer Camp
The School of Journalism and Communication (SJC) at Southern Adventist University in Collegedale, Tennessee, will host a three-day virtual photo/journalism summer boot camp for high school students from June 15 to 17. The workshop, to be held via Zoom, is designed for students interested in photography, writing, videography, social media, or overall storytelling.
Adventist Camps in the North American Division Provide Summer 2020 Camp Report
Every summer throughout the North American Division, Adventist Camps hosts summer camp evangelism at about 60 camps. With the impact of COVID-19, and the uncertainty of how life will be throughout North America this summer, our camp directors, camp boards, and conference administrators are making hard decisions. As of May 2020, 43 conferences have decided that they will not be able to operate their usual weeks of summer camp this year.
Seventh-day Adventist Higher Education in North America Issues Statement During COVID-19 Pandemic Closures
Although the current COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted our campuses, temporarily transitioning us to remote education, the mission of Seventh-day Adventist higher education remains the same. Driven by passionate care for our students, our faculty and staff are innovating to sustain a quality, whole-person education for the duration of this crisis.
Adventist Health Acquires Blue Zones as It Plans to Refine the Role of Health Organizations in the U.S.
Adventist Health announced on April 8, 2020, that it has acquired Blue Zones®, a pioneer in taking a systemic and environmental approach to improving the health of entire cities and communities. This revolutionary move by Adventist Health comes at a time when public attention is especially focused on the interconnectedness of our health to that of our friends and neighbors in the face of the coronavirus disease crisis.