Press Releases

Logos of Adventist Health and Blue Zones

Adventist Health Acquires Blue Zones as It Plans to Refine the Role of Health Organizations in the U.S.

Adventist Health announced on April 8, 2020, that it has acquired Blue Zones®, a pioneer in taking a systemic and environmental approach to improving the health of entire cities and communities. This revolutionary move by Adventist Health comes at a time when public attention is especially focused on the interconnectedness of our health to that of our friends and neighbors in the face of the coronavirus disease crisis.

nad Headquarters building in Columbia, Md.

El Liderazgo de la NAD brinda orientación sobre la asistencia financiera del gobierno debido a la crisis de COVID-19

COVID-19 ha tenido un gran impacto emocional y económico en el mundo en los últimos meses. El liderazgo de la División Norteamericana de la Iglesia Adventista del Séptimo Día (NAD, por sus siglas en inglés) está profundamente preocupado por el impacto de la pandemia en sus miembros, iglesias y otras entidades misionales. Con actitud de oración, la intención de la NAD es evaluar todas las opciones que puedan estar disponibles para sostener la misión de la iglesia.

NAD Headquarters building in Columbia, Md.

NAD Leadership Provides Guidance on Government Funding Assistance Due to COVID-19 Crisis

COVID-19 has taken a huge emotional and economic toll upon the world over the past few months. The leadership of the North American Division of the Seventh-day Adventist Church (NAD) is deeply concerned about the impact of the pandemic upon its members, churches, and other missional entities. It is the prayerful intent of the NAD to evaluate all options that may be available to sustain the mission of the church.

Breath of Life The Awakening 2020

Breath of Life Takes the Message of the Resurrection to ABC

Breath of Life Television Ministries is bringing the message of Christ's resurrection to living rooms across the country this Sunday, April 12, 2020, as ABC affiliates will broadcast, "The Awakening."

stock photo of students and teacher around 3D printer

More than $1.4 Million Awarded to Adventist Schools in Support of STEM Education

On March 6, 2020, Versacare Foundation awarded $1,420,000 in grant funding to 189 Adventist primary and secondary schools across the United States and Canada in support of STEM education (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math). This was Versacare Foundation’s fifth successive year funding STEM grants.

Pacific Press building

Pacific Press Temporarily Closing to Comply with Idaho Stay-at-Home Order

On March 25, 2020, Idaho Governor Brad Little announced a stay-at-home order for individuals and non-essential businesses within the state of Idaho. As a result, Pacific Press is temporarily ceasing on-site operations.

John Bradshaw

It Is Written Invites Churches to Join Nationwide Online Evangelistic Event

Although the coronavirus disease pandemic has shut down evangelistic meetings all across the country, It Is Written will conduct a virtual, online evangelistic event starting April 17, 2020. The event, presented by Pastor John Bradshaw, It Is Written speaker/director, will reach all of North America.

Online Small Group Resources - Books

Online Small Group Resources Available at

Have you ever considered starting or joining a small group, but never got around to it? Now that most churches have cancelled their on-site services and closed their buildings, it’s an ideal time to start a small group. Getting two or more families together in virtual small groups is an excellent way to share support and to boost one another’s spirits in these strange and isolated times.

Pacific Press kids' magazines

Pacific Press Publishing Association Makes Weekly Children’s Publications Temporarily Available for Free Online

With many church buildings closed because of COVID-19, children aren’t able to pick up copies of their favorite Sabbath magazines. Pacific Press Publishing Association has decided to make its weekly children’s publications — Our Little Friend, Primary Treasure, and Guide — available in PDF format on each magazine’s own website for free. The weekly magazines will continue to appear for as long as the coronavirus threat keeps church buildings closed.

Kristine Lemons

Christian Record Services Welcomes New Communication Director

Christian Record Services, Inc., a ministry of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in North America for people who are blind, invites Kristine Lemons to join its ministry team as communication director. She begins this responsibility on March 30, 2020.