News Articles

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Remembering Y2K With an Eye on Eternity

Although we’ve been told in quite a few places in Scripture "about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father” (Mark 13:32, NIV), that hasn’t stopped us from trying to figure out when "people will see the Son of Man coming in clouds with great power and glory” (verse 26). As evidenced by history, this is an exercise in futility.

LifeTalk Radio Dec 2019 sharing cards image

LifeTalk Radio Offers Sharing Cards, Christmas Programming 

LifeTalk Radio (LTR), a media ministry of the North American Division, has reported a surge in listeners after providing free cards for people to share with others with the message “You Matter to God” and station information. The cards have grown in popularity in 2019.

Two women in construction hats smiling and looking towards the camera.

Christians Being Christian

November 8, 2019. One year after the Camp Fire ripped through his community, Allen Plowman is back on his property. Or what was left of it. As fall slips into winter around the residents of Paradise, it’s not the haunting, happy sounds of Canada geese flying south that greets them every morning; it’s the visceral roar of a chainsaw. Or three.

Marvin Moore editor of Signs of the Times

Marvin Moore Edits 25 Years and 300 Issues of Signs of the Times

Marvin Moore is celebrating major milestones at Pacific Press this month. The newly-released December 2019 Signs of the Times marks Moore’s 300th issue and 25th year as editor of the 145-year-old Seventh-day Adventist publication. Of Signs’ ten editors, only Arthur Maxwell served longer (1937–1970).

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The Best Gift

The presence of Jesus in the flesh is an absolute gift to the human family. And it’s not just a gift to Seventh-day Adventists or Christians, but to the entire world and all who live in it. If God is for us, who can be against us?

Paul and Sonya Llewellyn

Seventh-day Adventist Church in Canada Elects Paul Llewellyn as Executive Secretary/Vice-President

On Dec. 10, 2019, the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Canada Board of Directors elected Paul Llewellyn as the next executive secretary/vice-president for administration. Llewellyn will begin his duties as of Jan. 1, 2020. He most recently served as Maritime Conference president.

Derek Sloan interview October 2019

Interview With Derek Sloan, First Adventist Elected to Canada’s Parliament

On Oct. 21, 2019, Derek Nathaniel Sloan was elected as the Member of Parliament (MP) for the Ontario riding of Hastings–Lennox and Addington, for the Conservative Party of Canada. After the press and most family and friends left, Adventist Barry W. Bussey, director of Legal Affairs at Canadian Council of Christian Charities, had a chance to interview Derek.

Darrell Patterson

U.S. Department of Justice Urges Supreme Court to Hear Adventist's Sabbath Accommodation Case

The U.S. Department of Justice on Monday, December 9, 2019, urged the Supreme Court to hear a case brought by Darrell Patterson who was fired by Walgreens for refusing to work on the Sabbath. The Supreme Court will consider Patterson’s petition on January 10, 2020. If the court agrees to hear the matter, it will issue a ruling by the end of June 2020.

Fairness for All Act launch in Wash., D.C.

With Religious Freedom Under Threat, Is There a Way Forward?

Seventh-day Adventist advocates are working to protect this vital human right within a culture that has grown skeptical of many religious freedom claims. 

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A New Commandment

While on earth, Jesus gave His disciples a “new” commandment to “love one another” just as He loved them. He invites us to live a life that faithfully points to and mirrors Him.