News Articles

NAD headquarters

In Preparation for Its Year-End Meeting, the North American Division Explains Virtual Process, Safety Measures for In-Person Staff

This is the time of year that we would be preparing to welcome hundreds of executive committee members, their family, and other special guests for the year-end business meeting of the North American Division. But because of the COVID-19 pandemic, and in following federal, state, and local guidelines the NAD has decided that it will be safer to hold these meetings virtually. There are a lot of precautions we've taken to make sure that it is safe, and that it works smoothly.

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Kindness? Or Set them Straight?

​​​​​​​We know we have the story correct — the Bible says so. So how do we deal with persons who don’t believe that Genesis is right about creation and the flood? Jesus had some harsh things to say to the Pharisees who refused to accept Him, but He used a very different approach to other people He dealt with. How do we fit that into our scenario today?

G. Alexander Bryant

"Every Month Should be Pastor Appreciation Month"

This October, North American Division president G. Alexander Bryant shares appreciation for the division's pastors in a video greeting.

Virtual social networking during 2020 SAC convention

Virtual Society of Adventist Communicators Convention Expands Community Among Professionals Within NAD and Overseas

The realities of the COVID-19 pandemic forced organizers of the 2020 Society of Adventist Communicators convention to take the event online. What is typically a multiple-day experience featuring keynote addresses, dynamic presentations and workshops, networking opportunities, site visits to media outlets, and award ceremonies, was condensed to fit into the evenings of October 14 and 15 via Zoom.

Adventist leaders in Canada with new Cessna plane

Ontario Adventists Dedicate Cessna 185 for Mission to Northwestern Ontario

This past Thanksgiving, Seventh-day Adventists in Ontario, Canada,* had a lot to be thankful for, despite a challenging 2020. One of the biggest blessings is that a Cessna 185 aircraft was obtained in collaboration with Adventist World Aviation.

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Adventist Health Launches Breakthrough Move to Promote Community Well-Being

On Oct. 20, 2020, Adventist Health announced the launch of its Well-Being Division. With this far-reaching change, Adventist Health is further demonstrating its commitment to inspire health, wholeness, and hope within the communities it serves. In keeping with its goals, Adventist Health acquired Blue Zones® in early 2020, marking the first step in the creation of its Well-Being Division.

Mark Paden

“God’s Enduring Song of Love” Film Released for Creation Sabbath 2020

The subject of 2020’s Creation Sabbath film, “God’s Enduring Song of Love” is the murmurating of grackles. Each year a short film is produced for Creation Sabbath, designed to draw viewers’ minds to the wonder of God’s creation. These films are for personal viewing and reflection, sharing on social media, and sharing together as a group of worshipers during Creation Sabbath celebrations. This year, Creation Sabbath occurs on October 24.

Playbook 2020 attendee

OneTeam Playbook 2020 to Conclude “Convention” Phase This Weekend

The OneTeam Playbook 2020 Leaders Convention  (#oneteamNAD) shifted gears from an onsite meeting that was planned in Albuquerque, New Mexico, to an all-digital platform conference. The convention was also extended to include four Sunday afternoons in September and October. The last session will occur this Sunday, Oct. 25, 2020, concluding the “convention” phase of this event.

Foothill Seventh-day Adventist School Fire Damage

Adventist Community Services Provides Ongoing Disaster Response in Northern California and Northwest Oregon

NAD Adventist Community Services mobilizes branches from across the country to manage warehouse distribution in areas affected by disastrous fires in Northwest Oregon; Adventist properties are assessed in wake of the Glass Fire in Napa County, California; meanwhile, food distribution and hurricane relief response continues.

ADRA - Classroom

Adventist Church and ADRA Gear Into Second Phase of Global Education Campaign

On October 13, 2020, the Seventh-day Adventist Church and its global humanitarian arm, the Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA), announced the second phase of the Every Child. Everywhere. In School. campaign during this year’s global church leadership meetings. The joint initiative will now mobilize government support in countries around the world through the Adventist Church 22-million-plus membership.