News Articles

Diane Thurber and Dexter Thomas, YEM 2022 Christian Record Services report

Diversity and Breadth of North American Division Ministries On Display During Day Five of Year-End Meeting

The diversity and breadth of the ministries of the North American Division (NAD) were on full display during the fifth day of the 2022 Year-End Meeting, themed “Together in Mission: I Will Go.” The keynote event of the day featured the presentation of the treasurer’s report by Randy Robinson, NAD treasurer; and there were also some unexpectedly emotional moments during the day.

NAD YEM 2022 doctrine of discovery discussion led by Bettina Krause

Grappling with the Doctrine of Discovery in 2022 

At the North American Division’s Year-End Meeting (NAD YEM) on Tuesday morning, Nov. 1, 2022, Bettina Krause, associate director of Public Affairs and Religious Liberty and editor of Liberty magazine, shed light on the Doctrine of Discovery, an 11th-century doctrine with present-day implications. 

Judy Glass NAD undertreasurer

NAD Treasurer Randy Robinson Testifies to “the Goodness of God” in 2022 NAD Year-End Meeting Report 

Randy Robinson, NAD treasurer, as he began his report on Monday morning, Oct.31, at the North American Division’s Year-End Meeting (NAD YEM), referred to the song, “Goodness of God,” powerfully interpreted by Sara Devaraj during NAD YEM’s Sabbath service, Robinson said, “That sentiment is the underpinning upon which my report rests today, along with the fact that God is in control. As we look back on 2021, and so far in 2022, there’s no doubt God is leading His church.”

2022 NAD YEM day four photo of delegate about to vote with device

Ministry Reports, Heartfelt Discussion, and GC Greetings Center-Stage on Day Four of the NAD Year-End Meeting

The fourth day of the North American Division’s (NAD) 2022 Year-End Meeting, themed “Together in Mission: I Will Go,” balanced thankfulness for the leaders who came before and the work of many of the ministries within the division with heartfelt discussion and debate on some of the major issues of the day.

Kyoshin Ahn at NAD Year-End Meeting 2022, secretary's report

NAD Year-End Meeting Secretary's Report Depicts Church’s Post-Pandemic Resurgence 

On day two of the NAD’s Year-End Meeting, executive secretary Kyoshin Ahn and his team built upon president G. Alexander Bryant’s opening presentation by casting a vision for disciple-making in North America via the secretariat. Ahn and leaders from secretariat ministries, including the Office of Volunteer Ministries, Human Relations, eAdventist Membership Services, Archives, Statistics and Research and Professional Services, offered a comprehensive, optimistic view of the post-pandemic Church. 

NAD headquarters

2022 NAD Year-End Meeting Video and News Coverage

Welcome to the video stream and news coverage from the 2022 North American Division Year-End Meeting! Once the NAD Year-End Meeting begins on Oct. 27, 2022, you can watch below — and check out links to written news coverage and YEM reports as they become available.

Jose Cortes Jr and Friday night panel at 2022 NAD YEM

Intentionality in All Things: Sabbath at the 2022 NAD Year-End Meeting

In 2021, leaders of the North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists (NAD) voted on three strategic focus areas for the church’s mission: multiply, media, and mentorship. These three areas were the theme of the vespers program on Friday night during the NAD’s year-end meetings at the NAD headquarters in Columbia, Maryland.

He Said Go OVM screen on laptop at 2022 YEM

Secretary's Report, Education, AdventSource Reports Presented on Second Day of NAD Year-End Meeting

The North American Division’s 2022 Year-End Meeting (YEM), themed “Together in Mission: I Will Go,” used its second day to receive the executive secretary’s report covering the statistics of the church that provide the foundation on which planning can take place.

Alex Bryant on Oct. 29 2022 YEM

NAD President Tells Church Leaders to Step Out in Faith and Be Bold

During the divine worship service on Sabbath, Oct. 29, 2022, G. Alexander Bryant, president of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in North America (NAD), addressed church leaders directly, saying they are called to step out on the small faith that they have “in spite of the fear that may be present, and in spite of the obstacles that are certainly there.”

NAD YEM 2022 delegates on opening day

At Year-End Meeting, NAD’s First In-Person Executive Committee Meeting Since 2019 a Joyful Reunion  

The North American Division’s (NAD) 2022 Year-End Meeting, themed “Together in Mission: I Will Go,” opened on Thursday, October 27, with a song. As NAD administrators G. Alexander Bryant, president, Kyoshin Ahn, secretary, and Randy Robinson, treasurer, sang the chorus for “Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus,” a proven trick for quieting a crowd, the voices in the room shifted from lively chatter to a harmonious choir.