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Unearthing History: The Dino Dig Experience at Southwestern Adventist University

For many, the pull of uncovering ancient relics and the mysteries of the past is an irresistible draw. Southwestern Adventist University (SWAU) offers a unique opportunity to step back in time with its Dino Dig Experience, a dinosaur excavation research project in the Lance Formation of eastern Wyoming, United States. This program, held annually in June, brings together students, families, and international participants to uncover and study dinosaur fossil remains.

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Gillette Residents to Be Welcomed to “Night at the Camporee”

In just five weeks, the International Pathfinder Camporee will have moved west to Gillette, Wyoming. From August 5-11, 2024, roughly 60,000 young people from 100 countries will transform the Gillette Cam-Plex Facilities into a tent and RV city. Over numerous site visits since 2020, camporee officials have found significant interest among community members in attending the nighttime mainstage events. However, because minors attend the camporee, background checks would be necessary for these additional guests. Thus, camporee leaders decided to host a “night at the camporee” on August 4, which will offer community members a 90-minute sneak peek of the "Believe the Promise" evening program.

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It is Written Wins 14 Telly Awards

It Is Written is pleased to announce that it has won 14 Telly Awards this year. The awards received highlight It is Written’s versatility and excellence in media production, with several programs earning multiple honors.

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Common Ground

On Wednesday, May 15, 2024, North American Division leaders met with student leaders from universities across the division. The goal was to determine what young people are concerned with and discuss what they might want church leadership to know. “We really want to know what you have to say,” stated Tracy Wood, director for youth and young adult ministries at the NAD, at the start of the online meeting. “The voices of students from your campuses can and do have a significant impact across North America.” In addition to five church leaders from both union and division levels, eight students were also present, representing Adventist and non-Adventist campuses across the country.

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North American Division Leadership Responds to Events at the U.S. Capitol

​​​​​​​The events in Washington, D.C., during the past few days have been traumatic for most Americans, and shocking for those around the world. The leadership of the North American Division affirms the rights of people to respectfully protest, but strongly condemns the reprehensible actions of rioters that show a clear disrespect for the safety of others, the institution of democracy, and the diplomatic and orderly process of the transition of government.

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Southwestern Adventist University Professors Publish Cutting-Edge Research Paper in Peer-Reviewed Journal

Every summer Jared Wood, director of the Dinosaur Science Museum at Southwestern Adventist University and Arthur Chadwick, director of the Dinosaur Excavation Project at SWAU, along with Keith Snyder, chair of Biology at Southern Adventist University lead a dinosaur dig at the Hanson Ranch in Wyoming. This is an ongoing collaborative research project, and they have gathered a large amount of data over the years.

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Goodbye, Mr. Scrooge

I really don’t like Christmas. I hate to say it, but through the years I have gotten grumpy once Thanksgiving ends. But before you cast me away as a holiday hater, let me explain a few things.

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COVID-19 Vaccines: Addressing Concerns, Offering Counsel

​​​​​​​Seventh-day Adventists look to the coming of Christ as the great culmination of history and an end of all disease, suffering, and death. At the same time, we have been entrusted with the Adventist health message embodied in and expanded upon by the writings of Ellen White, summarizing healthful living through practical and wholistic healthy lifestyle behaviors. We advocate all of these practices to maintain a healthy immune system, and in the pandemic, even more is needed.