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Unearthing History: The Dino Dig Experience at Southwestern Adventist University

For many, the pull of uncovering ancient relics and the mysteries of the past is an irresistible draw. Southwestern Adventist University (SWAU) offers a unique opportunity to step back in time with its Dino Dig Experience, a dinosaur excavation research project in the Lance Formation of eastern Wyoming, United States. This program, held annually in June, brings together students, families, and international participants to uncover and study dinosaur fossil remains.

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Gillette Residents to Be Welcomed to “Night at the Camporee”

In just five weeks, the International Pathfinder Camporee will have moved west to Gillette, Wyoming. From August 5-11, 2024, roughly 60,000 young people from 100 countries will transform the Gillette Cam-Plex Facilities into a tent and RV city. Over numerous site visits since 2020, camporee officials have found significant interest among community members in attending the nighttime mainstage events. However, because minors attend the camporee, background checks would be necessary for these additional guests. Thus, camporee leaders decided to host a “night at the camporee” on August 4, which will offer community members a 90-minute sneak peek of the "Believe the Promise" evening program.

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It is Written Wins 14 Telly Awards

It Is Written is pleased to announce that it has won 14 Telly Awards this year. The awards received highlight It is Written’s versatility and excellence in media production, with several programs earning multiple honors.

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Iniciativa Pentecostés 2025 votada por el Comité Ejecutivo de la División Norteamericana

El Pentecostés impactó dramáticamente a la iglesia primitiva. De hecho, muchos cristianos consideran Pentecostés como la fecha de nacimiento de la iglesia cristiana (ver Hechos 2). Ese día, la iglesia se multiplicó en número de 120 a 3.000 creyentes. Pentecostés marca el cumplimiento de la promesa de Jesucristo de enviar el Espíritu Santo para empoderar y guiar a sus discípulos.

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Creative Use of Cree Engages Learning at Mamawi Atosketan Native School

This past fall, as Mamawi Atosketan Native School grade 5 teacher Suzann Self thought about Orange Shirt Day, she got an idea that’s now become part of every school day. After reading the short book I Am Not a Number with her class, Self proposed an experiment: the class would simulate a word-banning experience on a small scale for an extended time. Few of Self’s students spoke any Cree; what if they banned two English words a week and “forced” everyone to use the Cree words?

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In Wisconsin, Adventist Church District Steps in to Help Fill Gaps in Safety Net

It wasn’t long after Kenosha, Wisconsin, was thrust into the international spotlight after a police officer shot Jacob Blake in the back, triggering protests which sometimes turned violent and destructive, that local church leaders began looking for ways to help.

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Leaders Vote to Postpone General Conference Session 2020 for a Second Time

For the second time in 10 months, members of the Executive Committee of the global Seventh-day Adventist Church have voted to postpone the quinquennial session of the denomination, originally scheduled for late June of 2020, due to challenges arising from the COVID-19 pandemic.

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Fulfilling the Great Commission in the Right Order

In Matthew 28:19, 20 are the words of Jesus in the passage called “The Great Commission.” Notice that Jesus gave three commands in this Great Commission, after exhorting us to go make disciples, baptize, and teach them to observe all things as Jesus taught/commanded. When He spoke, Jesus didn’t “wing it.” He gave thought to what He was saying, how He was saying it, and in what order He was saying it. We should not take these imperatives lightly, nor should we ignore the order in which they were given.