News Articles


Partners in Preparing the Harvest

Literature mission work in the NAD is changing lives. Read about some of the outreach being accomplished across the division.

Versacare Sept 2019 article

Versacare Grants Jumpstart STEM Education in NAD Schools

Schools all across the North American Division are buying laptops, iPads, e-boards; participating in project-based learning; and sending teachers to STEM training — all to ensure students have  the tools they need to not only work in today’s economy, but to lead in it. Where is the funding for much of this cutting edge technology coming from? Versacare, Inc.

Andrews University NIV study Bible

Andrews University Releases New Edition of Its Study Bible

On Thursday, September 5, 2019, the Andrews University Press will release for sale the long-awaited New International Version (NIV) of the landmark Andrews Study Bible. In addition, nearly 700 new students at Andrews will receive a complimentary copy from the university, continuing a tradition that began in 2011, but now takes place for the first time with the NIV.

Creation Sabbath updated website

Creation Sabbath Website Updated in Time for October Event

In time for Creation Sabbath on Oct. 26, 2019, the updated website incorporates numerous improvements designed to help users develop fun, effective, and life-changing Creation Sabbath programs in their churches, communities, schools, hospitals and other institutions.

Wesley Torres, Canada executive secretary

Seventh-day Adventist Church in Canada Elects New Executive Secretary/Vice President for Administration

On Thursday, Aug. 22, 2019, the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Canada Board of Directors elected Wesley Torres as its new executive secretary/vice president for administration. He replaces Daniel Stojanovic, who is now, by appointment of the General Conference of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, the leader of the Adventist Church’s work in Israel.

Ben Roys gives science presentation at the BraveHeart Village.

“BraveHeart Kids Village and Cottage” at Chosen Camporee Helps Kids “Stand Tall Like the Kings and Queens of the Bible”

While the Chosen Camporee in Oshkosh, Wisconsin was mainly for Pathfinders, nearly 300 children, ages 4-8, engaged in interactive activities catering to their ages and interests at the “BraveHeart Village and Cottage,” which was organized by the North American Division’s Children’s Ministries in partnership with the division’s Youth & Young Adult Ministries.

2019 Chosen International Camporee opening night fireworks

"Chosen" in Oshkosh: An Essay in Photos

The NAD Office of Communication team share just a few photo highlights from the 2019 Chosen International Pathfinder Camporee before the quiet again came to the fields of the EAA. These are small glimpses into the massive, bustling event, where Jesus took center stage, along with His “chosen” youth.

Participants of the Dinosaur Research Project work on a dig site

Dinosaur Research Draws World-Wide Acclaim, Inspires New TV Series

For one month every year, Southwestern Adventist University’s ongoing Dinosaur Excavation and Taphonomic Research Project, led by professors Art Chadwick and Jared Wood, moves from the university’s biology department to the 8,000-acre Hanson Ranch and Research Center in eastern Wyoming. Hope Channel is preparing to release a six-episode documentary on the project this fall, giving viewers a small glimpse of what hundreds of students, researchers, and hobbyists experience every June.

2004 Martin Ytreberg and PPPA peopel Web thumb crop

Martin Ytreberg, Former Vice President of Pacific Press, Passes to His Rest

F. Martin Ytreberg (left, first row in this 2004 photo), former vice president and CFO of Pacific Press Publishing Association, passed peacefully to his rest after a lengthy illness on Tuesday evening, Aug. 20, 2019, in Boise, Idaho.

Oshkosh 2019 Rojas twins from Paraguay help tear out carpet at project

Outreach in Oshkosh

About 6,000 Pathfinders and club staff and leaders assisted in 57 local service efforts in Oshkosh and the surrounding communities during the 2019 Chosen International Pathfinder Camporee. Each day except Sabbath, buses rolled out morning and afternoon for several hours as teams helped at food pantries, shelters, the humane society, thrift stores, and a plethora of other nonprofit organizations. Community outreach also included an onsite blood drive and park cleanup.