News Articles

China Williams

Southern Adventist University’s Outreach Program SALT Crosses International Borders

When 20-year-old China Williams attended an evangelistic meeting in May 2020, she had no idea she would end up leaving her home in Auckland, New Zealand, to live in the United States three months later. During the session, Williams heard about Southern Adventist University’s Soul-winning And Leadership Training (SALT) program from Douglas Na’a, SALT director, who is also from New Zealand.

Matthew 28 great commission up close

Fulfilling the Great Commission in the Right Order

In Matthew 28:19, 20 are the words of Jesus in the passage called “The Great Commission.” Notice that Jesus gave three commands in this Great Commission, after exhorting us to go make disciples, baptize, and teach them to observe all things as Jesus taught/commanded. When He spoke, Jesus didn’t “wing it.” He gave thought to what He was saying, how He was saying it, and in what order He was saying it. We should not take these imperatives lightly, nor should we ignore the order in which they were given.

downtown Indianapolis

Leaders Vote to Postpone General Conference Session 2020 for a Second Time

For the second time in 10 months, members of the Executive Committee of the global Seventh-day Adventist Church have voted to postpone the quinquennial session of the denomination, originally scheduled for late June of 2020, due to challenges arising from the COVID-19 pandemic.

MANS students outside with tree limbs

Creative Use of Cree Engages Learning at Mamawi Atosketan Native School

This past fall, as Mamawi Atosketan Native School grade 5 teacher Suzann Self thought about Orange Shirt Day, she got an idea that’s now become part of every school day. After reading the short book I Am Not a Number with her class, Self proposed an experiment: the class would simulate a word-banning experience on a small scale for an extended time. Few of Self’s students spoke any Cree; what if they banned two English words a week and “forced” everyone to use the Cree words?

U.S. Capitol Building

North American Division Leadership Responds to Events at the U.S. Capitol

​​​​​​​The events in Washington, D.C., during the past few days have been traumatic for most Americans, and shocking for those around the world. The leadership of the North American Division affirms the rights of people to respectfully protest, but strongly condemns the reprehensible actions of rioters that show a clear disrespect for the safety of others, the institution of democracy, and the diplomatic and orderly process of the transition of government.

SWAU dino bones on display

Southwestern Adventist University Professors Publish Cutting-Edge Research Paper in Peer-Reviewed Journal

Every summer Jared Wood, director of the Dinosaur Science Museum at Southwestern Adventist University and Arthur Chadwick, director of the Dinosaur Excavation Project at SWAU, along with Keith Snyder, chair of Biology at Southern Adventist University lead a dinosaur dig at the Hanson Ranch in Wyoming. This is an ongoing collaborative research project, and they have gathered a large amount of data over the years.

Christmas stock photo of candle and snowy pine cone

Goodbye, Mr. Scrooge

I really don’t like Christmas. I hate to say it, but through the years I have gotten grumpy once Thanksgiving ends. But before you cast me away as a holiday hater, let me explain a few things.

stock photo of coronavirus model and vaccine needle

COVID-19 Vaccines: Addressing Concerns, Offering Counsel

​​​​​​​Seventh-day Adventists look to the coming of Christ as the great culmination of history and an end of all disease, suffering, and death. At the same time, we have been entrusted with the Adventist health message embodied in and expanded upon by the writings of Ellen White, summarizing healthful living through practical and wholistic healthy lifestyle behaviors. We advocate all of these practices to maintain a healthy immune system, and in the pandemic, even more is needed.

WAU baptism dec 2020

​​​​​​​Washington Adventist University Welcomes New Adventists During On-Campus Baptisms

Washington Adventist University’s community continues to be a community of prayer and faith. During this challenging time in history, distance is ideal in preventing infection; not so ideal in fellowship and communal worship. Despite the challenges, the Holy Spirit has been working to soften hearts and lead individuals to commit to a life in Christ. On two consecutive weekends, a student and an employee of WAU have made this commitment publicly through baptism at Sligo Seventh-day Adventist Church on the campus of WAU in Takoma Park, Maryland.

G Alexander Bryant Dec 2020

El presidente de la División Norteamericana ofrece comentarios alentadores al finalizar el año 2020

Quiero extenderles, en nombre de mis compañeros directores y de toda la familia de la oficina de la NAD (División Norteamericana, por sus siglas en inglés), nuestros más cálidos saludos navideños al finalizar este año 2020. ¡Y qué año ha sido! ¿Quién hubiera imaginado cuando empezamos el 2020 que lo terminaríamos de esta manera?