News Articles

Adventist Biography Series three book covers

Adventist Biography Series — An Unprecedented Publishing Project Changes Editors

Denis Kaiser has been named the new editor of the ongoing Adventist Biography Series, one of the most ambitious publishing projects in Seventh-day Adventist history. Kaiser is a specialist in Adventist history and a professor at the Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary in Berrien Springs, Michigan. He will be assuming leadership of the series with the retirement of George Knight, who has served as series editor for the past 20 years.

Oxford Maine church

Giving and Receiving in Oxford, Maine

The congregation in the Adventist church in Oxford, Maine, is not a large one. On a good Sabbath, as many as 30 people might be in attendance, though the number is usually closer to 20. The congregation also skews toward the grey-haired side — most members are retirees living on a fixed income. But what this small and resource-limited congregation has managed to accomplish in the local and global mission field is truly inspiring.

Maasai Development project Jan Latsha

Changing Girls’ Lives in Kenya

In 2010, about two decades after beginning her work with the Maasai in Kenya, Jan Latsha started the Maasai Development Project, a refuge/home for girls escaping female genital mutilation and early marriage. She also organized a corps of lay pastors who have led many Maasai to come to know Jesus and join the Adventist Church.

Scribner WWU and Hope Channel video series

Walla Walla University Graduate Student Partners with Hope Channel and WWU School of Theology on Video Series About Jesus

Rachel Scribner, a 2019 graduate of the Walla Walla University cinema, religion, and worldview master’s program, has collaborated with Hope Channel and Carl Cosaert, dean of the WWU School of Theology, to create a television series about Jesus that is based on the gospel of Mark. In this interview, Scribner talks about what went into creating the series.

LA Sierra University virtual mission trip

La Sierra University Pre-Medical Society’s Guatemala Mission Trip Goes Virtual

The task facing La Sierra University’s Pre-Medical Society last fall was daunting — take an annual mission trip to Guatemala that provides badly needed aid, spiritual connection and compassionate outreach and reproduce it all online.

YG give nurses gifts

Gratitude for Healthcare Front-line Workers

It started with gratitude: A simple idea to acknowledge and appreciate the dedication of healthcare workers who serve all of us. Faith Rivera, a young adult at Younger Generation Church (YG) in Arlington, Texas, pitched the idea of offering Valentine’s appreciation gifts to all the frontliners at Texas Health Mansfield.

Luis Sanchez, senior office assistant for the NAD Ministerial Association, monitors slides presented by Kyoshin Ahn, NAD executive secretary, on membership accession rates.

2021 eHuddle Redefines Adventist Evangelism in North America, Examines Church Growth Patterns

A two-day clergy professional development conference organized by the Ministerial Association of the North American Division explored the definition of Adventist evangelism, highlighted challenges in achieving church growth, showcased innovative examples of service, and provided guidance for the new and evolving realities created by the COVID-19 pandemic. The sixth annual “eHuddle” or “evangelism huddle,” which is the gathering of the division’s evangelism visioning and leadership team, was held virtually March 8-9, 2021.

North American Division headquarters building

North American Division Calls for Support of Asian-American Community

The leadership of the North American Division (NAD) is condemning recent acts of violence and hate against the Asian-American community. A statement has been released by the NAD president, secretary and treasurer calling for members to unite in support of their Asian brothers and sisters as they face undeserving animosity.

North American Division headquarters building

North American Division Leaders Call for Support of Asian-American Community

As leaders of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in North America, we denounce the recent acts of violence and hatred against our brothers and sisters in the Asian-American community. God calls us to love all His children, no matter our differences. Our diversity makes us stronger as a people, and the variety of cultures making up our territory are a direct reflection of His creative power.

MANS sculpture

MANS Welding Students Create Commissioned Sculpture for City of Lacombe

Tessa Potts, who graduated from MANS in June 2020, and Eileen Firingstoney, currently a grade 11 student, spent approximately 150 hours with their welding teacher, MANS high school vice-principal Mike Willing, to create the sculpture "Miweyihtowin." Firingstoney and Potts donated a significant part of their earnings to help cover MANS’ COVID-19-related expenses.