News Articles

damaged home from flood

ACS Disaster Response Helps Tornado, Flood Victims

A sudden downpour on April 29-30, 2017, resulted in significant flooding in Missouri. Kansas and Arkansas were also affected. Approximately 1,000 homes sustained damage (some were completely destroyed); and several roads, property, and businesses have also been devastated by the natural disaster.

is this thing on alex bryant and daniel jackson

Adventist College Students and NAD Leaders Dialog During Facebook Live Event

Adventist college and university student leaders asked questions on a wide range of topics during the first Facebook Live Event titled “Is This Thing On?” (ITTO) on March 14.

two young men smiling in the snow

Michigan Conference ACS and Christian Record Services, Inc. Partner for Winter Blind Camp

Nineteen blind camp participants from locations across the United States arrived at winter blind camp at Camp Au Sable on Sunday, Feb. 5, 2017.

North American Seventh Day Adventist Logo

GC/NAD Statement on Unity Discussion

The General Conference officers and the officers and union presidents of the North American Division met on Thursday, January 19, to discuss unity in mission as it relates to church governance and women’s ordination.

three people of different ethnicities praying together

NAD Ministry Leaders Urged to Go Beyond the Pew at the Adventist Ministries Convention

More than 750 ministry leaders attended the 2017 “Beyond the Pew” Adventist Ministries Convention (AMC) in Tucson, Arizona.


General Conference Vote on "Unity in Mission" Document–GC Executive Committee Votes Process Document to Handle Non-Compliance of Policy

Leadership of the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventist Executive Committee, at their Annual Council, voted this afternoon to approve a document titled "Unity in Mission: Procedures in Church Reconciliation," which examines the need for procedures that the church can follow when an administrative body fails to follow “biblical principles as expressed in the Fundamental Beliefs, voted actions, or working policies of the Church."


NAD Statement on 2016 GC Annual Council

The NAD statement solicits prayer for church leaders.


Affirmation of the Mission Role of the North American Division Regional Conferences

Responding to requests, the North American Division Administration voted the following action concerning Regional Conferences.