Stories & Commentaries

About Stories & Commentaries

From time to time, the North American Division shares commentaries on issues and/or events important to Adventists in this division. We also publish stories, which sometimes include interviews and features, to inspire our leaders and members.

Uganda ADRA school

ADRA Canada Reports How "ADRA School" in Uganda Helps Refugee Students

Conflict in the Democratic Republic of Congo is causing thousands of people to flee to safety across the border into the country of Uganda. ADRA has been engaged in helping the refugees as they make new lives for themselves. One 15-year-old girl shares the story of how she came to Uganda and now attends the "ADRA school."

NAD produce giveaway

Our Plans Versus God’s Plans

Several colleagues and I dutifully prepped, planned, and organized the produce giveaway event for the community, then everything fell apart. That’s exactly when God showed up, stepped in, and revealed how His plans are always so much better than our plans.

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Commentary: Is Adventism Relevant Anymore?

Our doctrines about how we are called to be Christ-like and share His love with others so are so amazingly poignant for our modern world it strikes me as only Divinely-inspired. Whether you’re rich or poor, black or white, educated or illiterate, Adventism has something remarkably special to offer.

Supreme Court

U.S. Supreme Court Asks Government to Express View on Church Member's Case

Seventh-day Adventist church member Darrell Patterson’s religious discrimination case against Walgreens continues to gain interest and support. Patterson asked the United States Supreme Court to hear his religious discrimination case. He was fired by Walgreens in 2011 because he refused to work at a call center on the Sabbath.

Sunscreen Film Festival attendees 2018

More Screentime Needed

For 18 years the festival has provided young adult filmmakers the opportunity to share their work, learn from professionals, network, and receive recognition for their work.

Becky Curtis' demolished jeep

From Chronic Pain to Courage

During a drive home from the Montana Conference Camp Meeting in 2005, life for Becky Curtis and her family changed dramatically. A car accident left her with a spinal cord injury and the loss of almost all movement on the left side of her body. In the 13 years following the accident, her life has been a journey — from suffering chronic pain to managing her pain and helping others to do the same. Despite the immense challenges, Curtis knows that God had a plan all along.

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Responding to the New Zealand Mosque Massacre

Following the news of the March 15, 2019, massacre of Muslim worshipers in Christchurch, New Zealand, Gabriela Phillips and Gerald Babenezhad, two leaders part of Adventist-Muslim Relations in the NAD, reached out to Muslim neighbors and a local mosque. The following two stories share what happened during those visits.

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When Does Eating Healthy Become Harmful?

The 14-year-old patient sitting in front of me insisted that her decision to become a vegan was unrelated to being bullied and called “chubby” in elementary school. Instead, she cited reasons related to animal rights and a desire to become “healthier.” Nothing about the straight-A student with severe muscle wasting, skeletal limbs, and a protruding abdomen heralding liver failure was healthy. This local teen was unlike any eating disordered patient I had ever encountered.

Randy Robinson is the treasurer of the North American Division.

Randy Robinson Shares How He’ll Use His “Grandma and Grandpa Jones” Philosophy as NAD’s Newest Treasurer

This is the second of a six-part series that will introduce the officers and directors of the North American Division who have begun settling in to their newly elected positions. Randy Robinson was officially voted to serve as treasurer for the North American Division on November 2 during the division’s 2018 Year-End Meeting. Robinson had previously worked as treasurer for the Southern Union for nearly 11 years.

Bonita Joyner Shields is the newly elected director of NAD Stewardship Ministries

Bonita Shields Shares Vision for NAD Stewardship Ministries as Its First Female Director

This is the first of a six-part series that will introduce the officers and directors of the North American Division who have begun settling in to their newly elected positions. Bonita Joyner Shields was officially voted to serve as director of Stewardship Ministries on November 2 during the 2018 North America Division Year-End Meeting. Shields is not new to the division, she previously served Stewardship Ministries as associate director. Shields is the first woman to occupy the role of director.