Press Releases

Adventist Journey Launches as New North American Division Magazine

In January 2018, the Seventh-day Adventist Church in North America (NAD) launched the magazine Adventist Journey, the first division-wide magazine the NAD has published. This 16-page publication wraps around the 32-page Adventist World international edition, a General Conference magazine.

Previously, the NAD’s 16 pages of content and advertising were integrated into the Adventist World, creating a 48-page hybrid unique to the NAD. “We are pleased to continue our partnership with Adventist World, but also excited to more clearly highlight content that tells the NAD story,” said Kimberly Luste Maran, NAD Communication associate director and editor of the new magazine. One main difference in the Adventist Journey’s content will be a stronger emphasis on God’s workings through His people in the division, which include the stories of church members across Canada, the United States, Bermuda, and the Guam-Micronesia Mission.

“Our journeys are not the same, but we are Adventists. And as we progress toward a deeper relationship with Jesus—and greater understanding of our role in His saving work—we journey together,” Maran said.

“This magazine has been designed to encourage all of us to follow our Lord on the path that He’s laid before us,” said Daniel R. Jackson, NAD president. “While we all have unique experiences in life, as we follow Jesus all our paths merge into His. . . . Through God’s grace we will share the NAD story and inspire our members.”

“We hope this magazine helps illuminate our journey with content meant to offer inspiration, information, fellowship, and dialogue,” added Maran.

— NAD Office of Communication