Stories & Commentaries

Washington Adventist University Hosts Fifth Annual Campus Revival

revival tent

Washington Adventist University holds a week-long campus revival themed "I Can't Even," focused on finding time for God. Photo provided by Washington Adventist University



A week-long campus revival is taking place through Saturday, April 1, 2017, on the grounds of Washington Adventist University (WAU) in Takoma Park, Maryland, and the public is invited to attend. The event is being held each evening at 7 p.m. in a white tent, located on the Commons, an area between Flower Avenue and Washington Adventist Hospital.


This marks the fifth annual revival on campus. Seventh-day Adventist Pastor Reginald Guerrier is the featured speaker.


Guerrier is a graduate of Atlantic Union College in Massachusetts and Andrews University Theological Seminary in Michigan. He is currently the pastor of Bethany Seventh-day Adventist Church in Westbury, New York. Guerrier's ministry has taken him to various places in Europe, the West Indies, and Africa. He is also an attorney, a help to the communities he has served.


“At Washington Adventist University, we strive to support mind, body and spirit so that we can graduate individuals who will become moral leaders in their communities,” said Weymouth Spence, Ed.D., R.T., president of WAU. “We hold revivals and other events to ensure that our students, faculty and staff have access to programs that will help them develop spiritual strength.”


In past years, the campus revival has been attended by hundreds of students, faculty, staff, and visitors from nearby churches and the community. This year’s theme, “I Can’t Even” will focus on finding time for God.


“The Revival this year will challenge us to live above the excuses for why we can’t find time for the things that are so important in life,” said Baraka Muganda, Ed.D., vice president of Ministry for WAU.


The campus is located at 7600 Flower Avenue, close to the intersection with Carroll Avenue. Free parking is located in lots along Flower and Greenwood Avenues. Click here for campus map.