Brent Hardinge, new Adventist Information Ministry director; photo by Tor Tjeransen / Adventist Media Exchange (CC BY 4.0)
Adventist Information Ministry, the North American Division's contact center, welcomed a new director on Nov. 1, 2021. Brent Hardinge, previously the assistant communication director at the General Conference, is poised to help lead AIM into its next era of ministry.
With a wealth of experience in digital media, web design, and communication, Hardinge is well equipped to help the contact center successfully expand its capacity for connection in the digital space. "Through all the digital evangelism projects I have worked on, the critical piece has been finding a way to connect online interests with the local church. I’m excited about the role that AIM can play in that process, and look forward to leading AIM as we find ways to connect and help the church in North America through social media and the web," Hardinge shared.
With Hardinge's arrival came the departure of Jannette Cave, AIM's long time operations supervisor, and interim director for the past two years. Her leadership during this intermediate time as AIM's purpose and function was being optimized by the division leadership was invaluable, and she will be greatly missed. "We thank her for her many years of ministry at AIM and wish for her God's choicest blessings as she transitions to a new place of employment in God's vineyard," said an AIM representative.
As the new director noted in a letter to his staff earlier this week, "Never before have we had so many ways of reaching people. As Seventh-day Adventists, we have a special mission to share the good news with the world around us. But tools and technology alone are not the answer. High-tech must be coupled with high-touch to ensure effective ministry."
During the ministry's NAD Year-End Meeting report given on Nov. 1, Hardinge shared AIM’s mission for 2022, which centers around incorporating a customer relationship management (CRM) system that will allow the church in North America to seamlessly and effortlessly connect individuals who express interest in Christ and the church with those who are devoted to following up on them.
AIM looks forward to being that touch point for interests in the North American Division, supporting each local church, each media ministry, and each NAD department in their evangelism efforts by providing a relationship-based, customized interest care experience for each heart we have the opportunity to minister to.