Jim Gibson (left), the outgoing GRI director, and Ronny Nalin (right), the newly-elected director; photo provided by Geoscience Research Institute
Ronny Nalin has been appointed the new Geoscience Research Institute (GRI) director effective August 1, 2020. He replaces retiring director Jim Gibson.
Nalin began serving GRI as a research scientist in 2007. Since then, he has been involved in research, education, and communication on topics at the interface between faith, science, and earth history. His research interests in the areas of stratigraphy and sedimentology have led to multiple scientific publications.
“I feel a grave sense of responsibility, but also true commitment and passion to continue to advance the crucial mission of GRI, with the help of God and the support of my experienced and dedicated colleagues,” said Nalin.
A native of Italy, Nalin represents the international staff of scientists at GRI, with Spanish, American, and Australian colleagues. He received his higher education at the University of Padova, where Galileo taught and many eminent pioneers in science and medicine studied. There he earned a doctorate in Earth Sciences. During his studies, he spent several months as an international student at the University of Leicester, United Kingdom. He also spent time as a visiting scholar at the University of Waikato in New Zealand. His first collaboration with GRI came through a summer field assistantship while still a graduate student.
Nalin and his wife, Elisa, have two daughters.
The retiring Gibson has served GRI for 36 years, 26 of them as director. He completed his Ph.D. in Biology at Loma Linda University in 1984, and immediately joined the GRI staff. During his tenure, the institute moved into a new building on the Loma Linda University campus, providing space for an expanded research program. The international outreach of GRI was extended, adding three branch offices to the two already existing, and establishing GRI resource centers in 10 universities.
Gibson contributed to the 1st quarter 2013 Sabbath School lesson on creation, authoring the companion book, Origins. He also helped edit the books Understanding Creation, and Entrusted, as well as an upcoming book tentatively entitled Design and Catastrophe.
“I have been blessed to work with a gifted group of colleagues, who are highly competent, creative thinkers and committed to the mission of GRI and the Church,” said Gibson, who will retire with his wife, Dottie, in their home near Loma Linda.
— Timothy G. Standish, Ph.D, is senior scientist for the Geoscience Research Institute.
About GRI
The Geoscience Research Institute is an institute of the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists with the specific mission to discover and share an understanding of nature and its relationship with the Biblical revelation of the Creator God. Founded in 1959, the Institute engages in scientific research, publishing, and teaching at Loma Linda University and other Adventist universities. In addition to research programs, scientists at the institute interact with the general scientific community as well as church workers ranging from pastors to teachers. The Institute also supports Seventh-day Adventist Church initiatives such as Creation Sabbath. Many resources produced by GRI ranging from academic papers to videos and some resources for children are available at the GRI website: grisda.org.