Press Releases

Upcoming Religious Liberty Summit Described as "Exceptional Opportunity"

This year's summit, themed "Where Freedom and Action Meet," features judicial case review, U.S. Department of Justice workshop, Museum of the Bible trip, and more.

2019 NARLA Summit graphic from FB

After last fall’s horrific shooting at the synagogue in Pittsburgh, our North American Division administrative team reminded us: “The United States was founded on the promise of religious freedom and when one faith group has this right taken away, we all suffer. Nothing is more sacred than the right to worship our God in the safety of our sanctuaries with those we love.” We are only three months into a new year and another faith community, this time on the opposite side of the world but still our brothers and sisters, are reeling from the appalling violence committed upon them in a place considered a destination of refuge — their house of worship.

The NARLA Religious Liberty Summit, to be held on May 17-20, in metro-D.C. area, will be an exceptional opportunity. Not only will the traditional religious liberty advocacy training, domestic and international issues briefings, and legislative and judicial updates be offered, but this year the event is host to the U.S. Department of Justice’s timely workshop “Protecting Places of Worship Through Education and Dialogue.” This seminar educates participants on how to prevent and respond to hate crimes that target religious institutions and fosters dialogue to strengthen relations between government, law enforcement, and faith communities.

"We think this would be an excellent resource to equip local congregations as to not only how to protect their own churches, but how to serve as their neighbor’s keeper, so all may bow their heads and lift their hands to God without fear," said event organizer Melissa Reid, North American Religious Liberty Association associate director.

"For those unfamiliar with the North American Religious Liberty Association, we’re the advocacy arm of the NAD Public Affairs & Religious Liberty ministry. The Summit is an opportunity for church members to play an active role in the Seventh-day Adventist Church’s religious liberty advancement efforts," Reid explained. "This year’s four-day event will provide a truly remarkable experience."

Individual registration is $125 and space is limited to the first 50 guests, so early registration is encouraged.

We pray you’re able to join us May 17-20 for this year’s Religious Liberty Summit, "Where Freedom and Action Meet."

Here is a closer look at the event schedule:

  • Legislative updates (national and state), advocacy training, domestic and international issue briefings, judicial case review.
  •  Spiritual inspiration by Light Bearers co-director, Ty Gibson, with his brand-new sermon series "The Politics of Jesus."
  •  A visit to the new Museum of the Bible (ticket price included with event registration).
  • Attendance at our 17th annual Religious Liberty Dinner on Monday evening, May 20, at the Newseum in Washington, D.C.
  • The workshop “Protecting Places of Worship Through Education and Dialogue” mentioned above.