Press Releases

How Many Stars

The John 10:10 Project film helps us to understand God’s extravagance when He promised to multiply Abraham’s descendants as the stars.

How Many Stars stars and earth photo

About 4,000 years ago, God led Abraham outdoors on a starry night and told him, “Look now toward heaven, and count the stars if you are able to number them” (Gen. 15:5, NKJV). Over the eons, many Christians — the spiritual heirs of Abraham — have probably tried to complete this impossible task by counting the stars for themselves. No one is ever likely to actually succeed at this, but a new short film, How Many Stars, from The John 10:10 Project, helps us to understand God’s extravagance when He promised to multiply Abraham’s descendants as the stars, as well as Abraham’s faith in believing God before he had any children.

One of the big challenges when counting stars is that the numbers very quickly go beyond our usual experience. How Many Stars masterfully helps even those who are math-challenged to grasp something of the scale represented by numbers made up with many zeros. "This intriguing five and a half minute film manages to describe these extraordinary numbers in a fascinating way," said Timothy Standish, Ph.D., senior scientist from the Geoscience Research Institute.

That alone may be reason enough to watch How Many Stars, which can be found at:

“We wanted to produce a film that reveals God’s remarkable power and wisdom in creating and sustaining the universe,” said Lad Allen, producer of How Many Stars. “God is infinite and our finite minds can never fully grasp all that He has done, but what we can see of Him, both in Scripture and His creation, is truly awe inspiring.”

In reaction to How Many Stars, Standish said, "I’m a huge fan of The John 10:10 Project. These faith-affirming short films do a wonderful job of introducing us to the creation in a fresh new way; and, more than that, they present us with the amazing grace of the Creator.

"Sharing [these films] with others has almost become a Christian duty for me. If we are going to be a witness, what better or easier way than enjoying and sharing the marvelous collection of John 10:10 Project films? How Many Stars is now at the top of my list for sharing with everyone I can.”

The entire collection of John 10:10 Project films is available without charge at The John 10:10 Project website: