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Unearthing History: The Dino Dig Experience at Southwestern Adventist University

For many, the pull of uncovering ancient relics and the mysteries of the past is an irresistible draw. Southwestern Adventist University (SWAU) offers a unique opportunity to step back in time with its Dino Dig Experience, a dinosaur excavation research project in the Lance Formation of eastern Wyoming, United States. This program, held annually in June, brings together students, families, and international participants to uncover and study dinosaur fossil remains.

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Gillette Residents to Be Welcomed to “Night at the Camporee”

In just five weeks, the International Pathfinder Camporee will have moved west to Gillette, Wyoming. From August 5-11, 2024, roughly 60,000 young people from 100 countries will transform the Gillette Cam-Plex Facilities into a tent and RV city. Over numerous site visits since 2020, camporee officials have found significant interest among community members in attending the nighttime mainstage events. However, because minors attend the camporee, background checks would be necessary for these additional guests. Thus, camporee leaders decided to host a “night at the camporee” on August 4, which will offer community members a 90-minute sneak peek of the "Believe the Promise" evening program.

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It is Written Wins 14 Telly Awards

It Is Written is pleased to announce that it has won 14 Telly Awards this year. The awards received highlight It is Written’s versatility and excellence in media production, with several programs earning multiple honors.

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Iniciativa Pentecostés 2025 votada por el Comité Ejecutivo de la División Norteamericana

El Pentecostés impactó dramáticamente a la iglesia primitiva. De hecho, muchos cristianos consideran Pentecostés como la fecha de nacimiento de la iglesia cristiana (ver Hechos 2). Ese día, la iglesia se multiplicó en número de 120 a 3.000 creyentes. Pentecostés marca el cumplimiento de la promesa de Jesucristo de enviar el Espíritu Santo para empoderar y guiar a sus discípulos.

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Annual Pathfinder Bible Experience Grows Virtually

When the COVID-19 pandemic caused the cancelation of the in-person North American Division Pathfinder Bible Experience (NAD PBE) event 13 months ago, organizers quickly mobilized to hold the event online. In anticipation of the potential need to have another virtual event in 2021, planning started after the April 18, 2020 experience. This April, the PBE event was indeed held virtually.

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Getting Your Vaccine: An NAD Officer Goes to His Appointment

Randy Robinson, North American Division treasurer, shared his experience getting a COVID-19 vaccine at Adventist HealthCare Shady Grove Medical Center in Rockville, Maryland, in a video showing the event. "I feel so strongly that we should be responsible in getting our vaccines. I think we protect ourselves, we protect those around us — our loved ones and those in our community," said Robinson.

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Adventist Community Services Disaster Response Director Addresses St. Vincent Volcanic Eruption

The La Soufrière volcano on the Caribbean island of St. Vincent began a series of explosive eruptions on April 9, 2021, sending clouds of hot ash some 20,000 feet into the air, blanketing much of the island in ash and causing water and electricity outages. With couple more explosions since, approximately 20,000 people have been forced from their homes on St. Vincent. ADRA is working with local churches and government agencies in St. Vincent to provide help, reports ACS Disaster Response director W. Derrick Lea.

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Called for This Moment

It has been a year since we were deeply impacted by the dreadful coronavirus pandemic. Each of us can recall what it felt like as we watched, in almost stunned disbelief, the country shut down—offices closed down, churches closed, restaurants closed, professional sports canceled, children sent home indefinitely from school, citizens required to stay home, grocery stores running out of basic items, hand sanitizer in short supply, and toilet paper being fought over in the aisles. We've experienced an economic downturn, and social injustice and inequality. ... What sense have you made of it as a Seventh-day Adventist? Is God concerned about this world? What is He saying to us?