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Unearthing History: The Dino Dig Experience at Southwestern Adventist University

For many, the pull of uncovering ancient relics and the mysteries of the past is an irresistible draw. Southwestern Adventist University (SWAU) offers a unique opportunity to step back in time with its Dino Dig Experience, a dinosaur excavation research project in the Lance Formation of eastern Wyoming, United States. This program, held annually in June, brings together students, families, and international participants to uncover and study dinosaur fossil remains.

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Gillette Residents to Be Welcomed to “Night at the Camporee”

In just five weeks, the International Pathfinder Camporee will have moved west to Gillette, Wyoming. From August 5-11, 2024, roughly 60,000 young people from 100 countries will transform the Gillette Cam-Plex Facilities into a tent and RV city. Over numerous site visits since 2020, camporee officials have found significant interest among community members in attending the nighttime mainstage events. However, because minors attend the camporee, background checks would be necessary for these additional guests. Thus, camporee leaders decided to host a “night at the camporee” on August 4, which will offer community members a 90-minute sneak peek of the "Believe the Promise" evening program.

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It is Written Wins 14 Telly Awards

It Is Written is pleased to announce that it has won 14 Telly Awards this year. The awards received highlight It is Written’s versatility and excellence in media production, with several programs earning multiple honors.

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Iniciativa Pentecostés 2025 votada por el Comité Ejecutivo de la División Norteamericana

El Pentecostés impactó dramáticamente a la iglesia primitiva. De hecho, muchos cristianos consideran Pentecostés como la fecha de nacimiento de la iglesia cristiana (ver Hechos 2). Ese día, la iglesia se multiplicó en número de 120 a 3.000 creyentes. Pentecostés marca el cumplimiento de la promesa de Jesucristo de enviar el Espíritu Santo para empoderar y guiar a sus discípulos.

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Southwestern Adventist University Nursing Grads Share Experiences From the Front Lines of the Pandemic

When the pandemic started, Southwestern Adventist University nursing graduates Dex Esmeralda (2019) and Luke Zabala (2018) were fresh in their careers. Little did they know, they would soon join thousands of nurses across the country experiencing a time unlike any other — encountering more trauma in a year than some nurses encounter in a lifetime. Yet both were prepared for the challenges at hand because of the clinical and spiritual training they received at SWAU.

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NAD Leaders and Staff Honor Three Retiring Vice Presidents

The North American Division honored three retiring vice presidents through a virtual event that gave colleagues the opportunity to express their gratitude and share memories of the outgoing leaders. Alvin Kibble, former vice president for executive coaching, training, development, public affairs and religious liberty, literature ministries, and social media and big data; Paul Brantley, vice president for strategy and assessment; and Gordon Pifher, vice president for media ministries, received heart-felt spoken and written messages on May 12, 2021, from administration and staff about the legacy they’ll leave behind as they enter retirement.

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Conference Event, Evangelism Impact 2021, Goes Virtual During COVID-19 Pandemic

Merely 12 months ago, the Carolina Conference Ministerial Department had hosted more than 1,000 attendees at the fourth annual Evangelism Impact at the Landmark Resort in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. In this uncertain year, the event went virtual, with a similar number of attendees joining online.

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It Is Written Wins 10 Telly Awards

It Is Written has won 10 Telly Awards this year for five different programs: one gold, seven silver, and two bronze. Four awards, including the gold, were given to “The Trail of Tears,” the first It Is Written program examining the forced relocation of Native Americans. Additionally, "Every Word," the It Is Written one-minute daily devotional, was recognized for the first time.