Young adults are thriving at Spring Meadows Seventh-day Adventist Church in Central Florida, host of the Southern Union Young Adult LIFE Tour on Oct. 20-21, 2023.
Responding to the call of local churches for training and guidance in developing young adult ministry, the Young Adult LIFE Tour aims to equip and empower local churches across the North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists (NAD). The next stop on the tour is coming this October.
“In young adult ministry, it is super important that we continue to innovate forward and not just continue doing what we have been doing,” said Tracy Wood, NAD Youth and Young Adult Ministry director. “We must keep pushing outward beyond our natural limits to connect with young adults in ways that will speak their language and connect in their world.”
The Southern Union Young Adult LIFE Tour will be held at the Spring Meadows Seventh-day Adventist Church in Sanford, Florida, on Oct. 20-21, 2023, with the Friday registration check in beginning at 7 p.m. ET. Registration is free for this event; and the tour stop will include practical training, exclusive resources, inspirational worship, ministry networking, Sabbath meals, and much more.
Many church leaders, parents, and adult members are eager to discover ways to engage and empower young adults in ministry and create meaningful bonds with local church life. But so often, they are at a loss as to where to start or how to begin building relationships. The Young Adult LIFE Tour intends to bring insights and relevant, doable steps toward building young adult ministry now. At the October 20-21 tour stop, church members, ministry leaders and young adults from across the Southern Union and the NAD are invited to gather for inspiration and intensive training. Selected presentations will also be streamed live.
Deeper Dive
Presenters include Pastor Lindsay Syeh, Southeastern Conference Young Adult Ministry director; Chandler Tarbox, Spring Meadows Seventh-day Adventist Church Young Adult pastor; and Pastor Greg and Kim Taylor, Southern Union Youth Ministry director and coordinator.
The featured speaker is author of Young Adult Ministry NOW, Steven Argue, associate professor of Youth, Family, and Culture at Fuller Theological Seminary and the applied research strategist at the Fuller Youth Institute (FYI). Argue has worked in multiple ministry contexts as a youth pastor, parachurch leader, pastoral team leader.
Church leaders, pastors, and young adults are invited for this free young adult ministry training event sponsored by North American Division Young Adult Ministry, Southern Union Youth Ministry, Florida Conference Youth and Young Adult Ministry, AdventSource, and Spring Meadows church young adults.
Southern Union will be the final tour stop of 2023, with plans in the new year to be in the Mid-American Union, January 26-27, 2024. In addition, plans are being laid for tour stops in the North Pacific Union, Canadian Union, and Lake Union.
For more information on Young Adult LIFE and the Young Adult LIFE Tour, go to youngadultlife.com.