Press Releases

“Peace for the Cities” Prayer Initiative Encourages Adventists Around the World to Pray for Their Muslim Brothers and Sisters During Ramadan

The General Conference Center for Adventist Muslim Relations' initiative starts February 28, runs for 30 days; sign up to receive more info.

The Islamic sacred month of Ramadan begins on February 28, 2025. It is a time of renewal of faith for Muslims. It’s also a good opportunity for us to connect with God and with Muslims. As we pray in North America for the Pentecost 2025 initiative, for the Holy Spirit to transform and empower us, added prayer for this month of Ramadan is a natural fit.

This year, members are encouraged to sign up for “Peace for the Cities” part of the Pray for Cities initiative — 30 cities with large Muslim populations, 30 days. Once you sign up, you will be able to access the daily prayer diary. 

Join members around the world from February 28 through March 29 praying that people in these cities will experience peace and that Jesus may reveal Himself to those who seek to know Him. The designated city for North America is Toronto, British Columbia, Canada, and the special day for the NAD is on March 22, from 11 a.m. ET to 12 noon, and globally (General Conference) on March 16. 

The GC has provided materials in several languages at the links provided below. The goal is to raise a movement of 100,000 Adventists around the world praying for 30 days this Ramadan for 30 cities. You can join by clicking