La Voz de la Esperanza speaker/director Omar Grieve, and associate speaker/director Nessy Pittau Grieve Photo provided by La Voz de la Esperanza
God has led La Voz de la Esperanza for 75 years! As we celebrate our 75th anniversary we have been busy with evangelistic campaigns and tours, baptisms, graduations, and seminars.
In March, we went to Cuba, where 50 simultaneous campaigns were conducted. In addition, we participated in an evangelistic tour visiting 17 cities in that communist island, graduating 22,000 students from our Bible courses. We also baptized 2,200 people!
Scheduled events will continue in 2017.* We will hold celebrations of thankfulness to God in the nine unions of the North American Division of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, concluding with the special anniversary event to be held at the Loma Linda University Church in California, on Sept. 9.
A Brief History of La Voz
In 1942, when the world was submersed in arguably the most devastating war in its history, God-appointed Braulio Pérez Marcio to assume the responsibility of directing a radio ministry for the Spanish-speaking world. The radio program was first called The Voice of Prophecy and that later on — from 1954 — would be announced as The Voice of Hope (La Voz de la Esperanza).
The program offered music from the King’s Heralds quartet and soloist Del Delker. It also presented Bible courses that were the solid foundation for the formation of one of the first correspondence Bible schools.
The program preached a message of assurance, peace, and love, expressed in the incomparable voice of Pastor Pérez Marcio. During the next several years, La Voz de la Esperanza extended to all Spanish-speaking countries, becoming an international ministry.
By 1971, after almost 30 years, Pérez Marcio’s energy started to decline. Pastor Milton Peverini joined La Voz. He first served as associate speaker; by 1974 he became the director and speaker of the ministry. It was he who wrote the literary work Life of Braulio Pérez Marcio — what a book that contains biographical data of the founder of La Voz de la Esperanza.
Twenty-four years passed and Pastor Frank Gonzalez, someone known for their remarkable stature (not only physically, but also spiritually), appeared on the stage of La Voz de la Esperanza. Gonzalez took the initiative to establish the ministry on the small screen, through the television program “Descubra.” Gonzalez also added to the ministry a rich musical variety that included violinist Jaime Jorge, international soloist Junior Kelly Marchena, and the quartet Los Heraldos de Esperanza.

La Voz de la Esperanza evangelist Angel Rodríguez Medina Photo provided by La Voz de la Esperanza
Current Efforts
In February 2013, La Voz de la Esperanza welcomed two new leaders: Pastor Omar Grieve, as director, and his wife, Nessy Pittau, as associate director. In addition to radio and television, they decided to share La Voz on location through evangelistic campaigns, Bible course graduations, and other special events, visiting churches in north, central, and south America.
I joined and immediately set to work on enhancing the evangelizing mission of La Voz de la Esperanza. The entire staff is dedicated to the important vision of using the ministry resources to proclaim the message of salvation with courage and effectiveness.
Baseball game experts claim that in order to be excellent, a baseball player must have five valuable resources — good batting average, good fielding, good arm to pitch the ball, ability to run with speed and resistance, and the ability to hit the ball with strength and productivity.
In the same way, La Voz has five bulwarks to fulfill Christ's mission in the Spanish-speaking world: radio ministry, television programs, radio-correspondence Bible school, evangelism, and Internet outreach.
It is our fervent prayer on this 75th anniversary that God will continue blessing us, enriching our faith, strengthening our energy, and providing the necessary funds to persevere preaching His word with power. La Voz de la Esperanza will carry on the flame of hope so that more will accept the Lord Jesus Christ as their personal Savior, and be part of the “great multitude, which no man could number,” eagerly awaiting His glorious return.
— Angel Rodriguez Medina is La Voz de la Esperanza´s evangelist.
* There is an upcoming event near you! La Voz de la Esperanza will present a special program with select Christian music. Make plans to be there! For more details and information,click here; or call (805) 955-7641.
75th Anniversary Event Dates and Cities
3 – Portland, OR
10 – Chicago, IL
17 – Garland, TX
24 – Ashton, MD
22 – Jonesboro, GA
5 – New York, NY
12 – South St. Paul, MN
19 – Toronto, ON
26 – San Jose, CA
2 – Los Angeles, CA
9 – Loma Linda, CA