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Join the Creation Sabbath Celebration

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This year, October 26, 2024, will mark 15 years of the world church celebrating Creation Sabbath. Photo: Geoscience Research Institute

For the past 15 years, individuals around the world have celebrated Creation Sabbath, a special occasion promoted by the Seventh-day Adventist Church emphasizing the recognition and appreciation of God as the Creator. This event, scheduled annually on the fourth Saturday in October, was specifically formalized in 2009 as a response to the prominent featuring of naturalistic models of origins because of the 200th anniversary of Charles Darwin’s birth and the 150th anniversary of the publication of his book On the Origin of Species. The decision to create a yearly recurrence was influenced by the growing need to recognize God’s power and grace as Creator and Redeemer.

Importance of celebrating God’s creation today

The underlying principles of Creation Sabbath remain profoundly relevant for both Adventist and non-Adventist ministerial professionals.

The Sabbath concept of rest is extremely relevant in today’s fast-paced world, where individuals seek to maintain a balance of physial, mental, and emotional well-being. God setting aside weekly time to commune with Him serves as a reminder that such balance is accomplished in prioritizing time with God.

The Creation week context of the origin of the Sabbath also points to the importance of valuing the various physical and biological components of our world and the active role humans have been given in caring for and enjoying God’s  creation, nature in all its beauty.

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Ways to engage

Engaging congregations in celebrating Creation Sabbath requires creativity and intentionality. Here are several ways ministerial professionals can encourage participation and make the occasion meaningful:

  1. Sermons and Bible studies. Develop a sermon and Bible studies that focus on the theme of Creation. Explore biblical passages that highlight God’s role as Creator and humanity’s responsibility to care for Earth. Discuss the significance of the Sabbath as a memorial of Creation and how it can inspire everyday living.
  2. Nature walks and outdoor worship. Organize nature walks or outdoor worship services where congregants can experience the beauty of creation firsthand. These activities can help individuals connect with nature and appreciate the intricacy and diversity of God’s creation.
  3. Educational workshops. Host workshops and invite guest speakers who are experts in relevant fields to provide valuable insights and practical tips.
  4. Guest presentation. Invite an animal specialist for a guest presentation. This event can provide a unique opportunity for congregants to see and learn about a new animal up close. By experiencing the wonder of these creatures firsthand, attendees can gain a deeper understanding of the intricacy of God’s work and inspire a greater commitment to environmental stewardship.
  5. Service projects. Organize service projects that benefit the environment. This could include activities such as planting trees, cleaning up local parks, or starting a community garden. These projects provide hands-on opportunities for congregants to put their faith into action and make a tangible difference in their community.
  6. Family activities. Plan activities that families can do together to celebrate Creation Sabbath. This could include nature scavenger hunts, family hikes, or crafts projects to tell the Creation story. Engaging families in these activities can help instill a sense of responsibility and appreciation for creation in children from a young age.
  7. Digital engagement. Utilize digital platforms to engage congregants in Creation Sabbath. Share educational content, inspirational messages, and practical tips on social media. Create online discussion groups where individuals can share their experiences and ideas. This can help reach a wider audience and foster a sense of community, even among those who cannot attend in person.


Celebrating Creation Sabbath with your congregation provides a profound opportunity to revisit and marvel at all that God has created. It is a time to reaffirm our beliefs as God-fearing Christians, recognizing His divine hand in the beauty and complexity of the natural world. By engaging in activities, members of your congregation will strengthen their bonds with one another as they reflect on the majesty of God’s work. We then can strengthen our resolve to live in harmony with God’s will.

You can register your church to join with others on the fourth Sabbath of October at This website offers a variety of materials, including sermons, videos, and activities for children, thoughtfully curated to foster a deeper appreciation and understanding among your church members. Do not miss this opportunity to bring your community closer together to recognize God’s wonderful works.

Emeraude Victorin Tobias, MA, MBA, is the director of marketing for the Faith and Science Council of the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists in Silver Spring, Maryland, United States.

Click here to access the original article on the Ministry Magazine website.