Mike Tucker, Faith For Today speaker/director, shares plans to retire. Photo provided by Faith For Today
Dear Friend,
I am so blessed! April 2019 was my fifteenth anniversary with Faith For Today. July 2019 marks 45 years of ministry for me. What a blessing it has been for me to do work I love for a God I adore.
Not long ago I asked the Faith For Today Executive Committee to start the process of transitioning the ministry for new leadership. Per my request, a search to identify prospective candidates to lead this ministry will soon be underway. While no time table has been set, it is my prayer that this historic ministry will be well positioned for continued service for the Master.
Thank you for your strong support of this unique ministry through the years. Your belief in us as we conduct “first contact” ministry to secular men and women has inspired our entire team. But your support will be especially crucial as Faith For Today makes yet another leadership transition.
Please keep us in your prayers as the search begins. While this is obviously not the first time the 69-year-old ministry has transitioned leadership, it is still crucial that we find God’s candidate for this position. As always, I am confident He will not only lead this search, but will continue to guide Faith For Today until His return.
In His Service,
Mike Tucker
Speaker/Director, Faith For Today
Faith For Today FAQs
Why is Mike Tucker leaving Faith For Today?
He would like to retire, and will do so sometime in the future. We are honoring his request and working to have a smooth transition. The timeline has not been determined.
Will Tucker still be on Lifestyle Magazine?
Yes, he will continue to host Lifestyle Magazine for the foreseeable future. There are currently no plans to remove him. There are no plans to cancel Lifestyle Magazine.
Will he continue to do Mad About Marriage?
Yes, he will still continue to do Mad About Marriage Seminars, even into his retirement. He will also continue to be with Canyon Creek Project for the foreseeable future.
Will Faith For Today be moving?
There are no foreseeable plans for the ministry to move.
Who will be the next speaker/director for Faith For Today?
We do not know who will be the next Faith For Today speaker/director, but when that information is available it will be announced.