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Escrito Está Speaker/Director Meets Guatemalan President, Prays with Him

Guatemalan President Jimmy Morales, center, poses for a photo with Pastor Robert Costa, right, and his butler, left. During his March 13 visit, Pastor Costa gave President Morales an Ambassador of Peace medal.

Guatemalan President Jimmy Morales (center) poses for a photo with Robert Costa (right), Escrito Está spaker/director, and the presidential butler (left). During his March 13, 2019, visit, Costa gave Morales an Ambassador of Peace medal. Photo provided by Escrito Está/It Is Written

On March 13, 2019, Pastor Robert Costa, speaker/director of Escrito Está, It Is Written’s Spanish-speaking ministry, visited President Jimmy Morales, president of Guatemala, to both express Escrito Está’s commitment to sharing Jesus and to pray for him in his role as the country’s leader.

During this special visit, Costa was able to give the president a brief report of what the local Seventh-day Adventist Church has been doing in the areas of education, health, spirituality, communications, and social work to relieve the needs of its citizens. He also shared an overview of the activities of the church around the world.

Morales, in return, mentioned that he is well-acquainted with the Adventist church, since an Adventist school is located right across the street from the Baptist seminary where he attended. Morales and other members of the government received a copy of the Ellen G. White's book The Desire of Ages and a devotional book. In gratitude for his service, Costa also gave Morales an Ambassador of Peace medal after reading from the Bible about Christian leadership. Toward the end of the meeting, Costa prayed for God to lead and bless Morales and Guatemala.

This meeting, in part, was made possible by the president's butler, who is a member of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. It is the second meeting Costa has had with local government officials in Guatemala, as the local Adventist church seeks to reach people in all levels of society with a message of hope in the second coming of Jesus.

Costa was in Guatemala to celebrate Escrito Está's 25th Anniversary, holding a series of meetings entitled "Un Futuro con Esperanza" (A Future with Hope). The meetings concluded with 210 baptisms.

— Cassie Matchim Hernandez is development assistant for It Is Written; click here to read a blog on the first meeting with Guatemalan government officials.

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