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Andrews University and Atlantic Union College Corporation Board Sign Agreement of Intent

Andrews University and Atlantic Union College Corporation Board Sign Agreement of Intent

On May 18, 2023, Andrews University and Atlantic Union College Corporation Board sign agreement of intent. Photo provided by Atlantic Union Gleaner

Members of the Atlantic Union College (AUC) Corporation Board recently met with representatives from Andrews University to witness the signing of an Agreement of Intent between the two entities. Pierre E. Omeler, AUC Corporation Board president, and Andrea Luxton, Andrews University president, signed the agreement on May 18, 2023, to “establish a general understanding of intent to promote academic and spiritual collaboration between the institutions.” This agreement is the first phase as the two parties enter into further dialogue with the goal of working together to offer various courses, programs, and degrees in the Northeast using a variety of models, which may include in-person, online, and hybrid models.

“This is an important step toward having life back on this campus and part of creating the ‘Hub of Education’ where we are working to bring back higher education to our territory,” said Omeler. In February 2023, delegates at the Atlantic Union College Corporation Constituency Session voted to stop the sale of the property in South Lancaster, Massachusetts, and authorize the board to begin implementing steps to create the “hub” on the college campus. The agreement with Andrews University is the first official collaboration signed by the AUC Corporation Board after the vote.

Andrews University, located in Berrien Springs, Michigan, has provided Christ-centered education since 1874 and continues to offer a wealth of academic choices to prepare graduates for life in the 21st century. “Andrews is a recognized university both in our church and around the world. Having Andrews as a part of this ‘hub’ is very beneficial,” Omeler said.

Other Adventist institutions have already voted their commitment to work with the AUC Corporation Board in drafting similar agreements and indicating their desire to partner with the Atlantic Union Conference in this endeavor.

The Atlantic Union Conference will provide updates on its Facebook and Instagram pages, in the weekly GleanerFYI newsletter, and on the Gleaner website as they become available.

— Debra Banks Cuadro is assistant communication director of the Atlantic Union Conference; this article originally appeared on the Atlantic Union Gleaner website.