News Articles

Adventist Worldwide Church Leaders Thank Members for Their Faithfulness, Remind Them to Support Mission

In a video message, Seventh-day Adventist Church leaders from the General Conference and the North American Division thank members for their faithful support of tithe. They also remind members of the importance of helping to support the Mission Offering.

In a video message, Seventh-day Adventist Church leaders from the General Conference and the North American Division thank members for their faithful support of tithe. They also remind members of the importance of helping to support the Mission Offering, which helps to fund mission work around the world.

In a video message, Seventh-day Adventist Church leaders from the General Conference and the North American Division thank members for their faithful support of tithe. They also remind members of the importance of helping to support the Mission Offering, which helps to fund mission work around the world. What follows is a transcript with minor edits for clarity.

Ted N.C. Wilson, General Conference president: "Greetings to each of you throughout the North American Division. Today we're living in amazing, uncertain times. People are searching for answers, and like never before they are open to hearing the truth-filled three angels' messages, and the wonderful news that Jesus is coming soon. We have an incredible opportunity to reach them now! And I want to thank you for your faithfulness, even during these challenging times, in helping to support the ministry of God's church by returning a faithful tithe.

"While these sacred funds are vital, God reminds us in Malachi 3:8 that offerings are just as important as the tithe. Think of it like a body with tithe being the bones and offerings like the skin, both are needed for the body to function well. Offerings propel our God-given mission, reaching people in your local community, in your country, and across the world. Tithes and offerings—it's God's package plan for accomplishing His mission today."

Juan Prestol-Puesán, recently retired GC treasurer: "Brothers and sisters, during these highly unusual times, we have been faced with numerous challenges, including in many places not being able to meet in church itself. Not only do we miss the warm fellowship and opportunity of worshiping together, but we also miss out on an easy and predictable way of giving offerings.

"Offerings are an important way of showing our love to God, and our support for the advancement of His mission. During these challenging times, we have seen a significant drop in the mission offerings, particularly in the Sabbath School offering and the 13 Sabbath Offerings that enable God's mission worldwide. Whether you are on the one offering or the specific offering plan, I invite you to prayerfully commit to partnering with the Lord, not only by returning a faithful tithe, but by giving offerings faithfully, regularly, systematically, generously from your heart—and to reconnect yourself to the needs of the world. Thank you for your faithfulness. Remember that Scripture promises [that] the person who sows generously will also reap generously."

Greetings, brothers and sisters from across the North American Division territory. We're living in extraordinary times. But what an incredible opportunity we have to reach our communities, and the world, for Christ. As people look for hope during these troubling and unpredictable times, what a privilege we have in presenting the love of God to a world that needs Him so desperately!

God has invited us as partners in His mission to reach the world. I would like to thank the North American Division family for faithfulness, and returning tithe with the Lord during these most challenging times. Your faithfulness is vitally important to the mission of our church, not only through returning of faithful tithe, but also by giving regular, systematic offerings that fuel mission outreach locally and abroad. I encourage you to give through AdventistGiving, your church website, mailing a check, or dropping a check by your local church office when it is open.

"May God bless you as you give your offerings to Him from a grateful and generous heart! And we know many people will come to know Jesus as a result."