How we serve
- Provide administrative and financial leadership to the North American Division
- Serve as a trustee and a steward of the funds it receives
- Provide the necessary policy and administrative coordination of the unions, conferences, and institutions through a senior financial consultative group composed of union treasurers and other chief financial officers
- Administer changes to the Working Policy
- Develop and monitor the operating budget for the North American Division, which includes the NAD departments and services, as well as NAD programs, reversions and allocations
- Serve as liaison with the General Conference and other world divisions
- Tithe and Offering Reports
- SDA Accounting Manual
- NAD Local Church and School Accounting Manual
- Remuneration Scale 2025, Remuneration Scale 2024, Remuneration Scale 2023, Remuneration Scale 2022, & Previous Remuneration Scales (2008 to 2021)
- Business Internship Application Form
- Seminary Sponsorship Application Form
- Regional Scholarship Application Form
- Independent Contractor Agreements Process
- PARL Internship Application Form
- Tithe: And How it Works video available in