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Walla Walla University Theology Students Intern Across North Pacific Union Conference

The North Pacific Union summer ministerial internship is a wonderful opportunity for Walla Walla University (WWU) theology and religious studies majors interested in pastoral ministry. Through this 10-week program, students earn full-time practical experience under the mentorship of skilled North Pacific Union Conference (NPUC) pastors, strengthening their understanding of what pastoral careers look like.

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Andrews University Receives Major Grant from Lilly Endowment Inc.

Andrews University has received a grant of $6,326,735 from Lilly Endowment Inc. through its Ministry in Rural Areas and Small Towns Initiative. The aim of the initiative is to provide resources to help churches in rural areas and small towns enhance the vitality of their ministries and strengthen the leadership of the pastors and lay leaders who guide them.

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More Than One

Many people turn to social media to cope with feelings of loneliness, but there is ongoing debate on the health impacts. Some find that the digital space helps to connect with family and friends, while others experience greater feelings of loneliness the more time they spend in the digital world. How can both be true?

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“Seeking God’s Spirit” Pentecost 2025 Prayer Meeting Kicks Off 10 Days of Prayer

On January 8, 2025, the North American Division of the Seventh-day Adventist Church will kick off the world church's 10 Days of Prayer with a special prayer meeting. The event, which will live stream from the NAD headquarters, begins at 9 p.m. ET. The NAD is encouraging those interested in joining the North American Division for the special hour-long prayer meeting to register via the special Pentecost 2025 prayer page.

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Andrews University and Atlantic Union College Corporation Board Sign Agreement of Intent

Members of the Atlantic Union College (AUC) Corporation Board recently met with representatives from Andrews University to witness the signing of an Agreement of Intent between the two entities. Pierre E. Omeler, AUC Corporation Board president, and Andrea Luxton, Andrews University president, signed the agreement on May 18, 2023, to “establish a general understanding of intent to promote academic and spiritual collaboration between the institutions.”

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The Floor Is Yours: Prioritizing Youth Voices Through NAD University Student Leader Advisory

Within the Seventh-day Adventist content library, there are countless articles, sermons, videos, books, podcasts, and seminars speaking to what the young adults in our church need. Some of the observations are helpful, some miss the mark. But the majority of the discussions lack one crucial element: the voices of actual young people. This is an issue that the North American Division is seeking to correct. 

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For More Than 160 Adventist Communicators, 2023 GAiN Americas Convention Spotlights Technology, Collaboration, and Mission for Greater Impact

The 2023 Global Adventist Internet Ministry (GAiN) convention, held June 7-11 at the North American Division (NAD) headquarters in Columbia, Maryland, brought together more than 160 communicators and leaders from the North American, Inter-American, and South American divisions. Sessions were conducted in English, with live Spanish interpretation.

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Westward Mission: From California to Hawaii

The stories we tell matter. Perhaps my favorite stories in our Adventist past pertain to how Adventism spread to new places; and in telling our Adventist stories, we should not overlook how Adventism spread across what is today the North American Division.