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Groundbreaking Oxford Handbook of Seventh-day Adventism Published as New Reference Work about Global Adventism

Ten years ago, after delivering a well-received presentation at the annual American Society of Church History meeting, Michael Campbell, North American Division director of Archives, Statistics, and Research, pitched the idea of a book on Adventism to the head book editor at Oxford University Press. Intrigued by Campbell’s introduction to Adventist scholarship, the editor invited him to submit a proposal. Their conversation was the catalyst for the groundbreaking Oxford Handbook of Seventh-day Adventism, a 39-chapter volume published in 2024 after much prayer and revision.

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Southern California Conference Moves Quickly to Mobilize Outreach as Wildfires Descend

Around 5:30 a.m. on January 8, 2025, the alert sounded on John Cress’s phone. He and his wife would have to evacuate their home in the Glen Oaks neighborhood of Glendale as the Eaton Fire charred a path toward them. The sky was black with smoke and tinged with red and orange.

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Walla Walla University Engineering Majors Chosen as Competition Finalists

During their senior year, Luke Graham and Avianna Alvarez, Walla Walla University engineering alumni, were two of 16 student finalists chosen for the American Society of Mechanical Engineers Pressure Vessel Piping Conference student paper competition.

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Jack Blanco, Author of “The Clear Word” Bible Paraphrase, Passes to His Rest

Jack J. Blanco, former dean of the Southern Adventist University School of Religion and professor emeritus, and author of The Clear Word Bible paraphrase, passed peacefully to his rest on Sabbath, January 11, 2025. He was 95.

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EDTalks Offer Fun, Inspiration, and Empowerment During 2023 North American Division Educators’ Convention

From August 8-9, 2023, during the EDTalks segment of the North American Division’s (NAD) 2023 Educators’ Convention, 13 leaders gave their unique take on this prompt: “Leadership. It all comes down to …” In this spin on the popular TEDtalks, music leaders Laura Story and Nicole C. Mullen; education leaders Mario Acosta, Doug Reeves, Tina Boogren, and Toakase Vunileva; Adventist leaders G. Alexander Bryant, Meshach Soli, Carlton P. Byrd, Adam Wamack, David Daniels, and James Standish; and entertainer Taylor Hughes used storytelling to share their leadership lessons.

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Local Conference Deaf Ministries Help Share Jesus at Connecticut Deaf Expo

About 1,500 people in the Deaf community came from all across the Northeast U.S. and beyond to the Waterbury Arc in Waterbury, Connecticut, on May 20, 2023 to meet friends, visit booths, watch exhibitors, and enjoy being in the Deaf world for a day. Jonathan Salomon and Jessica McGowan Smith from the Southern New England Conference Deaf Everywhere Are Family (DEAF) ministry supported Paul and Tina Kelly at the Three Angels Deaf Ministries (3ADM)/Deaf Bible School booth.

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Alvin M. Kibble, Former North American Division Vice President, Passes to His Rest

Alvin Maurice Kibble, former vice president for the North American Division of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, passed to his rest on Friday evening, August 11, 2023, in Temecula, California. He was 76.

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Educators' Convention Spark Tank Provides Grants to Schools Eager to Make Their Mark

Spark Tank was held over two days during the North American Division Educators’ Convention hosted in Phoenix, Arizona. The special event provided spiritual support and necessary aid through grant funding and feedback from three expert judges. Eight schools were chosen to pitch to the judges, presenting their ideas with a brief explanation of their projects.