Groundbreaking Oxford Handbook of Seventh-day Adventism Published as New Reference Work about Global Adventism
Ten years ago, after delivering a well-received presentation at the annual American Society of Church History meeting, Michael Campbell, North American Division director of Archives, Statistics, and Research, pitched the idea of a book on Adventism to the head book editor at Oxford University Press. Intrigued by Campbell’s introduction to Adventist scholarship, the editor invited him to submit a proposal. Their conversation was the catalyst for the groundbreaking Oxford Handbook of Seventh-day Adventism, a 39-chapter volume published in 2024 after much prayer and revision.
Walla Walla University Engineering Majors Chosen as Competition Finalists
During their senior year, Luke Graham and Avianna Alvarez, Walla Walla University engineering alumni, were two of 16 student finalists chosen for the American Society of Mechanical Engineers Pressure Vessel Piping Conference student paper competition.
Jack Blanco, Author of “The Clear Word” Bible Paraphrase, Passes to His Rest
Jack J. Blanco, former dean of the Southern Adventist University School of Religion and professor emeritus, and author of The Clear Word Bible paraphrase, passed peacefully to his rest on Sabbath, January 11, 2025. He was 95.
Adventist Partnerships Prioritize Relief for Southern California Residents
Adventist Health Glendale and Adventist Health Global Mission are partnering with the Southern California Conference and the Pasadena Seventh-day Adventist Church to begin offering help (and hope) for residents of Altadena and Pasadena affected by the ongoing fires. The initial phases of response began Jan. 10, 2025, and will continue during the coming months.
General Conference Vote on "Unity in Mission" Document–GC Executive Committee Votes Process Document to Handle Non-Compliance of Policy
Leadership of the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventist Executive Committee, at their Annual Council, voted this afternoon to approve a document titled "Unity in Mission: Procedures in Church Reconciliation," which examines the need for procedures that the church can follow when an administrative body fails to follow “biblical principles as expressed in the Fundamental Beliefs, voted actions, or working policies of the Church."
NAD Statement on 2016 GC Annual Council
The NAD statement solicits prayer for church leaders.
Affirmation of the Mission Role of the North American Division Regional Conferences
Responding to requests, the North American Division Administration voted the following action concerning Regional Conferences.